Keyword: Association 4


Declassifier – Humans of AI / Philipp Schmitt

“Declassifier processes pictures using the YOLO computer vision algorithm. Instead of showing the program’s prediction, the picture is overlayed with images from COCO, the training dataset from which the algorithm learned in the first place.”

Modal / Theodor Hillmann

“»Modal« is a tool to annotate complex structures of texts. It facilitates advanced means for classifying, structuring and sorting text fragments. It enables easy collecting of contents that are linked back to their original source.”

Terrapattern / Golan Levin, David Newbury, Kyle McDonald

“A visual search tool for satellite imagery”

Sitterwerk / Astrom/Zimmer

Workshop and symposium about alternative structures of order, especially in the context of the unique library in Sitterwerk. The books there are always located by RFID technology. Users have the freedom to create associative orders in the bookshelves while at the same time every item is digitally trackable. How can hidden relations made visible and other interactions with the material be enabled.