“‘OpenDataCam’ is a tool that helps to quantify the world. … With computer vision OpenDataCam understands and quantifies moving objects. The simple setup allows everybody to become an urban data miner.”
“‘OpenDataCam’ is a tool that helps to quantify the world. … With computer vision OpenDataCam understands and quantifies moving objects. The simple setup allows everybody to become an urban data miner.”
“‘Open Data Cam’ is a tool that helps to quantify the world. With computer vision ‘Open Data Cam’ understands and quantifies what it sees. The simple DIY setup allows everybody to become an urban data miner.”
“Anthropological Taxonomy in first photographs taken with a new digital camera.”
“The project False Positives is about intelligent surveillance systems. These are camera’s that are said to be able to detect deviant behaviour within public space. False Positives is set around the question of normative behaviour. It aims to raise this question by basing the project on eight different ‘anomalies’. These so called anomalies are sign in body-language and movement that could indicate criminal intent. It is through these anomalies the algorithms are built and cameras are able to detect deviant behaviour.”
Die With Me
“The chat app you can only use when you have less than 5% battery.”
non views
“non views is a Chrome extension that replaces the amount of views on a YouTube into the amount of people that didn’t watch the video in the world.”
Realtime gradient of two pixel colors from the sky of two webcams on the opposite side of the earth.
“With 657 billion digital images per year being captured and pushed to the web, it is likely that at some point in your life you’ve taken a photo that already exists. And you will continue to do so with the help of this app.
CCamera is the first camera app that takes images that have already been uploaded to the internet. It brings your photos to the next level — because they’re not yours.”
“This project investigates the idea of using computation to “use up” a piece of technology, in this case a digital camera. Using custom-written software (and a very long period of time), every possible photograph is generated, one at a time and in numerical order.”
See also his other projects exploring ideas of technical images, algorithms, abstraction, and computational vision.
“… camera and monitor function as a mirror that links the images of the viewers. […] The software, which runs between camera and monitor, attempts to re-construct each face from image fragments of the other. The image of one face cannot be realised without the other and vice versa.
See also other works about materiality, aesthetics and potential of digital technologies:
The camera produces no image but a textual description of the motive, written by some strange user of Mechanical Turk web service.