Keyword: Lexical 14


Other Orders / Sam Lavigne

“Other Orders is a tool for sorting text and tweets.

Recommendation engines like the ones powering the endless feeds on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, are designed to maximize ad revenue, and therefore to keep you online for as long as possible. In doing so they promote the most reactionary content on their platforms. Yet, these recommendation systems are nothing more than sorting mechanisms.

Other Orders provides an alternate set of sorts, optimized for other outcomes.”


Global addressing system based on a 3×3 m grid of the world, where each cell is identified by a unique three word combination. Thought to replace numeric geo locations that are hard to remember and prone to errors in transmission. Covering the globe in a multi-lingual layer of random functional poetry.

Autolex (0.1)

An “automated lexicon”.

The Giver of Names / David Rokeby

“… is quite simply, a computer system that gives objects names.”

Ted Nelson / Concepts & Prototypes

1965, Side-by-side connected comparison of parallel documents

1972, Transpointing windows

1999, PYXI viewer by Ka-Ping Yee

2014, OpenXanadu by Ted Nelson and Nicholas Levin

Key concepts
Xanalogical structure
Parallel documents / Transpointing windows
Deep links
Deep versioning and re-use (transclusion)

JS implementation of Stretchtext
ZigZag database system

Library of Babel / Jonathan Basile

“If completed, it would contain every possible combination of 1,312,000 characters, including lower case letters, space, comma, and period. Thus, it would contain every book that ever has been written, and every book that ever could be – including every play, every song, every scientific paper, every legal decision, every constitution, every piece of scripture, and so on. At present it contains all possible pages of 3200 characters, about 104677 books.”

Also, the principle applied to image data:

Association Machine / Hye Joo Jun

Estimote Beacons

Wireless sensor stickers for context aware applications. Considering the fundamental messiness of infrastructures and the procedural simplicity of the functional programming I imagine some interesting side effects if these things move around unintentionally, become trash and create a messy hyper-context, where you loose sight of what reacts to what. Maybe a question of context-aware ubiquitous applications in general.

Google / Felix Heyes, Ben West

“This book contains the first Google image result for every word in the dictionary.”

Wood and Harrison

Video artists, deal with space, body, objects, interaction, colour, composition in short and ironic video pieces. Works arranged lexical on their website.

“eine gewisse chinesische Enzyklopädie” / Jorge Luis Borges

“die Tiere, die sich wie folgt gruppieren:
a) Tiere, die dem Kaiser gehören,
b) einbalsamierte Tiere,
c) gezähmte,
d) Milchschweine,
e) Sirenen,
f) Fabeltiere,
g) herrenlose Hunde,
h) in diese Gruppierung gehörige,
i) die sich wie Tolle gebärden,
k) die mit einem ganz feinen Pinsel aus Kamelhaar gezeichnet sind,
l) und so weiter,
m) die den Wasserkrug zerbrochen haben,
n) die von weitem wie Fliegen aussehen”

Aus “Die analytische Sprache des John Wilkins”, 1966
Zitiert im Vorwort zu Foucaults “Die Ordnung der Dinge”, 1974

I was (t)here / Helene Sommer

Collection of heterogenous, subjective Stories about errors. Uses a dysfunctional order leading to repetition/redundancy.

Designing Universal Knowledge / Gerlinde Schuller

Atlas of Transformation

Online version of the book: