Keyword: Photography 20


Declassifier – Humans of AI / Philipp Schmitt

“Declassifier processes pictures using the YOLO computer vision algorithm. Instead of showing the program’s prediction, the picture is overlayed with images from COCO, the training dataset from which the algorithm learned in the first place.”

img_0001.jpg; Intimacy of the Uneventful / Yotam Hadar

“Anthropological Taxonomy in first photographs taken with a new digital camera.”

False Positives / Esther Hovers

“The project False Positives is about intelligent surveillance systems. These are camera’s that are said to be able to detect deviant behaviour within public space. False Positives is set around the question of normative behaviour. It aims to raise this question by basing the project on eight different ‘anomalies’. These so called anomalies are sign in body-language and movement that could indicate criminal intent. It is through these anomalies the algorithms are built and cameras are able to detect deviant behaviour.”

The Stray Shopping Cart Project / Julian Montague

“My approach was to observe the stray cart in the way that a naturalist might observe an animal. I never posed or repositioned or interfered with stray carts. I thought of the human actors as unseen natural forces (people almost never appear directly in any of the project photographs). I wrote the text from the point of view of someone who took the taxonomic investigation of stray shopping carts extremely seriously.”

CCamera / Marco Land

“With 657 billion digital images per year being captured and pushed to the web, it is likely that at some point in your life you’ve taken a photo that already exists. And you will continue to do so with the help of this app.

CCamera is the first camera app that takes images that have already been uploaded to the internet. It brings your photos to the next level — because they’re not yours.”

Still File / Skrekkøgle

Still File is a series of 4 photographs recreating computer renderings as physical scenes. The photos’ artifacts, surroundings, camera settings and lighting has been shaped intending to resemble 3d graphics of different types.”

DISimages / DIS

Stock images by artists.

Leonardo / Tara Kelton

“A portrait ‘drawing’ machine at a shopping mall is made to create his own portrait by placing a mirror in the portrait booth.”

And other projects:

Association Machine / Hye Joo Jun

Every possible photograph / Jeff Thompson

“This project investigates the idea of using computation to “use up” a piece of technology, in this case a digital camera. Using custom-written software (and a very long period of time), every possible photograph is generated, one at a time and in numerical order.”

See also his other projects exploring ideas of technical images, algorithms, abstraction, and computational vision.


Research project about the possible role of networked images in the sciences. A system to assamble, categorise, annotate and link images wants to explore new forms of working with images in other scientific contexts than in art history. Some examples on the website.

Nubeology / Gerhard Lang

Lang explores in historical reference to Goethe and Constable cloud phenomena as artistic commentary and the question of presentability. For example his “idealized” phantom images of clouds he did with help of the “identikit machine” of the BKA or his “Cloud Walks”.

Misunderstanding Focus / Nerhol, Ryuta Ida

Portraits composed out of layers of photographs that where taken over a period of three minutes.

Composite Photography / Francis Galton

Multiplied photographs used as a method to constitute “deviant” social groups in the 19th century. Francis Galton for example tried to construct visual evidence of universal physiognomic characteristics of jewish or criminally accused people to argue for his problematic theory of inheritance. Visual methods are exploited to construct and affirm a social order.

A–Z / A=A / Lina Grumm

“A-Z/ A=A (s. Identität) kreist um Bilder als Denkfiguren, die Theorien transportieren und Begriffsfelder konstruieren. 136 Bildtafeln versammeln Motive verschiedenartiger Herkunft zu Konstellationen, die auf Momente von Wiederholung, Assoziation, Vergleich, Repräsentation und Referenz bauen und die die Wandelbarkeit der Lesart eines einzelnen Bildes in Abhängigkeit von seinem jeweiligen Kontext demonstrieren. Gegliedert wird das Buch durch 180 Begriffe, die am Kopf jeder Seite stehen und die auf separaten alphabetisch geordneten Seiten erläutert werden. Die Begriffe werden nicht allgemeingültig definiert – vielmehr wird der Versuch unternommen, die Begriffe durch die Kombination einzelner möglicher Bedeutungsaspekte neu zu konzipieren.”

Uta Eisenreich

“My work investigates problems related to order. In a reality that is constantly leaking over the borders of comprehension, the attempt to establish an order has to result in a struggle, that is both hilarious and tragic.
Most works evolve around game structures. A game accommodates regulative order alongside euphoric disarray.”

Photography by Prokudin-Gorskii

Documentary photography from Russia in early 20th century. Three separate black and white layers enable color images. They exhibit how our perception or imagination of the past is shaped by black and white photography.

Exactitudes / Ari Versluis, Ellie Uyttenbroek

Photography project. Constructs ironic categorizations of people by their fashion styles.

A living man declared dead… / Taryn Simon

Documentary photo series, each consisting of a narrative text, a diagrammatic layout of the photographs and additional visual artifacts, creating a very graphical and contemplative appearance.

Objects for Arithmomaniacs / Julijonas Urbonas

(Not online anymore)