Keyword: Poetry 7


Peer-to-Peer Folder Poetry

“Taking a closer look at the common practice of computer organization using folders and files and taking a page out of Italo Calvino’s book, Invisible Cities, we will explore folder structures as a new kind of poetic form and DAT as a way to build digital spaces with and for our networks.”

“Everyone who interacts with computers has, in very real ways already been programming. The distinction between programmer and user is maintained by a tech industry that benefits from a population rendered computationally passive. Together we can build up and cultivate one another’s agency to shape technology and online spaces that support and care for each other and our communities.”


Global addressing system based on a 3×3 m grid of the world, where each cell is identified by a unique three word combination. Thought to replace numeric geo locations that are hard to remember and prone to errors in transmission. Covering the globe in a multi-lingual layer of random functional poetry.

every thing every time / Naho Matsuda

“A meditation on the data that passes through the fabric of the city each day, every thing every time questions not only the role data has in our lives, but the use and value it has as it is collected. Can we see the urban landscape differently through the technologies that make sense of it?

“every thing every time is a piece of real-time digital writing, which is drawing from the many ‘things’ and ‘events’ and changes of ‘status’ that are constantly happening in Manchester,” says artist Naho Matsuda. “In every thing every time I have turned these data streams into narratives formatted as poems, that are stripped from their location information and any data transmitting purpose. Smart information becomes impractical poetry.”

A line moving across a window once every year / Jon-Kyle

New Interfaces for Textual Expression / Allison Parrish

“New Interfaces for Textual Expression is a series of devices intended to create and manipulate text. Analogous to contemporary work in the field of New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME), New Interfaces for Textual Expression are intuitive but not literal: they map gestures not to characters (as with conventional writing devices, such as the keyboard and the pen), but to broader manipulations of language and layout. The devices suggest new syntaxes for composing, reading, and performing text.”

Association Machine / Hye Joo Jun


Online magazine featuring essays and visual examples more or less dealing with diagrams and poetics.