Keyword: System 28


GRADATIONs / Daihei Shibata

“When we gradate the boundaries between two polarized things, the two become smoothly connected. By blurring the various boundaries, we can find complexity, diversity, and richness of information.”

sdnotes / unfounded labs

Create public websites to share simple posts by claiming a URL, no password, no login. Pages are deleted after 30 days of inactivity. Super simple and ingenius.

Questions towards technologies #3

  1. What sort of person will the use of this technology make of me?
  2. What habits will the use of this technology instill?
  3. How will the use of this technology affect my experience of time?
  4. How will the use of this technology affect my experience of place?
  5. How will the use of this technology affect how I relate to other people?
  6. How will the use of this technology affect how I relate to the world around me?
  7. What practices will the use of this technology cultivate?
  8. What practices will the use of this technology displace?
  9. What will the use of this technology encourage me to notice?
  10. What will the use of this technology encourage me to ignore?
  11. What was required of other human beings so that I might be able to use this technology?
  12. What was required of other creatures so that I might be able to use this technology?
  13. What was required of the earth so that I might be able to use this technology?
  14. Does the use of this technology bring me joy?
  15. Does the use of this technology arouse anxiety?
  16. How does this technology empower me? At whose expense?
  17. What feelings does the use of this technology generate in me toward others?
  18. Can I imagine living without this technology? Why, or why not?
  19. How does this technology encourage me to allocate my time?
  20. Could the resources used to acquire and use this technology be better deployed?
  21. Does this technology automate or outsource labor or responsibilities that are morally essential?
  22. What desires does the use of this technology generate?
  23. What desires does the use of this technology dissipate?
  24. What possibilities for action does this technology present? Is it good that these actions are now possible?
  25. What possibilities for action does this technology foreclose? Is it good that these actions are no longer possible?
  26. How does the use of this technology shape my vision of a good life?
  27. What limits does the use of this technology impose upon me?
  28. What limits does my use of this technology impose upon others?
  29. What does my use of this technology require of others who would (or must) interact with me?
  30. What assumptions about the world does the use of this technology tacitly encourage?
  31. What knowledge has the use of this technology disclosed to me about myself?
  32. What knowledge has the use of this technology disclosed to me about others? Is it good to have this knowledge?
  33. What are the potential harms to myself, others, or the world that might result from my use of this technology?
  34. Upon what systems, technical or human, does my use of this technology depend? Are these systems just?
  35. Does my use of this technology encourage me to view others as a means to an end?
  36. Does using this technology require me to think more or less?
  37. What would the world be like if everyone used this technology exactly as I use it?
  38. What risks will my use of this technology entail for others? Have they consented?
  39. Can the consequences of my use of this technology be undone? Can I live with those consequences?
  40. Does my use of this technology make it easier to live as if I had no responsibilities toward my neighbor?
  41. Can I be held responsible for the actions which this technology empowers? Would I feel better if I couldn’t?

(Do Artifacts Have Ethics, L.M. Sacasas)

Questions towards technologies #2

  • What is the totality of its effects, its “ecology”?
  • How does it affect our perception of our needs?
  • How does it affect our way of seeing and experiencing the world?
  • Does it foster a diversity of forms of knowledge?
  • What does it make?
  • What does it allow us to ignore?
  • Is it the least imposing technology available for the task?
  • Can it be responsive to organic circumstance?
  • Does it concentrate or equalize power?
  • Does it require a bureaucracy for its perpetuation?
  • Does it cause ugliness?
  • What noise does it make?
  • What pace does it set?
  • […]

(From 76 Reasonable Questions to ask about any technology by Jacques Ellul)

Questions towards technologies #1

  1. “What is the problem to which this technology is the solution?”
  2. “Whose problem is it?”
  3. “Which people and what institutions might be most seriously harmed by a technological solution?”
  4. “What new problems might be created because we have solved this problem?”
  5. “What sort of people and institutions might acquire special economic and political power because of technological change?”
  6. “What changes in language are being enforced by new technologies, and what is being gained and lost by such changes?”

(Neil Postman)

Careful Crates / stock-a-studio

“Shipping/returns as a cultural and physical contemporary phenomena. referencing richard artschwager’s ‘crates’, these careful crates serve as material resistance to a standardized bounding box economy that organizes, binds, shelters and delimits contents in anticipation of global circulation.”

Boxed In: The Aesthetics of Material Circulation


Exhibition and research on joints in design and art.

Construct Me / Droog

“… screws, hinges, nuts, nails, brackets and other hardware extending their original function and character. Like nails that reduce the risk of hitting your finger, two way tie wraps, fancy hinges and screws that smile at you. They give flavour to simple DIY work, review existing furniture and may inspire the carpenter.”

Open Data Cam / moovel Lab

“‘Open Data Cam’ is a tool that helps to quantify the world. With computer vision ‘Open Data Cam’ understands and quantifies what it sees. The simple DIY setup allows everybody to become an urban data miner.”

Anatomy of an AI System / Kate Crawford, Vladan Joler

The Amazon Echo as an anatomical map of human labor, data and planetary resources.


Global addressing system based on a 3×3 m grid of the world, where each cell is identified by a unique three word combination. Thought to replace numeric geo locations that are hard to remember and prone to errors in transmission. Covering the globe in a multi-lingual layer of random functional poetry.

All we’d ever need is one another / Adam Basanta

“The installation self-generates images using two flatbed scanners laying on their side, with scanning surfaces pointing at one another. A computer script creates automatic mouse movements, randomizing the settings of the proprietary scanning software interface, and beginning a scanning process.

Each newly created image is then analyzed by a series of deep-learning algorithms trained on a database of contemporary artworks in economic and institutional circulation. When an image matches an existing artwork beyond an 83% match, it uploads it to this website and a twitter account.”

The Screenless Office / Brendan Howell, Mikhail Pogorzhelskiy

“The Screenless Office is a system for working with media and networks without using a pixel-based display. It is an artistic operating system.”

ThingLab (1978) / Alan Borning

One of the first constraint-oriented simulation programs.

Video Demo
Online Version

un arbre à calculer / dcfvg
More projects

“ is a collaborative, community activity with a mission to create, maintain, and promote schemas for structured data on the Internet, on web pages, in email messages, and beyond.”

Library of Babel / Jonathan Basile

“If completed, it would contain every possible combination of 1,312,000 characters, including lower case letters, space, comma, and period. Thus, it would contain every book that ever has been written, and every book that ever could be – including every play, every song, every scientific paper, every legal decision, every constitution, every piece of scripture, and so on. At present it contains all possible pages of 3200 characters, about 104677 books.”

Also, the principle applied to image data:


Web framework to link contents from different online services together.


“The objective of allRGB is simple: To create images with one pixel for every RGB color (16777216); not one color missing, and not one color twice.”

Estimote Beacons

Wireless sensor stickers for context aware applications. Considering the fundamental messiness of infrastructures and the procedural simplicity of the functional programming I imagine some interesting side effects if these things move around unintentionally, become trash and create a messy hyper-context, where you loose sight of what reacts to what. Maybe a question of context-aware ubiquitous applications in general.

Bicycle for Two Thousand / Aaron Koblin, Daniel Massey

…is comprised of over 2,000 voice recordings collected via Amazon’s Mechanical Turk web service.

Luna Maurer

Questions digital tools in the design process, relationship human and machine, freedom and limitations. She designes systems with defined limits and rules to create space for unexpected things (Conditional Design Collective).
Other topics: creation of own digital tools, co-design with algorithms, man-machine-friction/-adaption, productive glitch and space for imperfection in digital technologies. (see interview e.g.)

Superstitious Fund Project / Shing Tat Chung

A trading algorithm based on superstition (moon phases, numerology). An objectively subjective apparatus.


“…explores the possibility of a modular construction model where everyone designs for everyone on the basis of one shared geometrical grid.”

The need of a rigidly defined, universal, modular order for enabling collaborative and open source development.


Research project about the possible role of networked images in the sciences. A system to assamble, categorise, annotate and link images wants to explore new forms of working with images in other scientific contexts than in art history. Some examples on the website.

The Free Universal Construction Kit / FatLab

“A matrix of nearly 80 adapter bricks that enable complete interoperability between ten popular children’s construction toys. By allowing any piece to join to any other, the Kit encourages totally new forms of intercourse between otherwise closed systems—enabling radically hybrid constructive play, the creation of previously impossible designs.”

Poetry Machine / David Link

UNFR / Arjan Groot


Systematization of the design of national flags generates a multiplicity of speculative national identities.