Website With the Sound of Its Own Making / Emma Rae Norton
(After “Box with the Sound of Its Own Making” by Robert Morris, 1961)
(After “Box with the Sound of Its Own Making” by Robert Morris, 1961)
A large carpenters meter that moves, by fold and unfold, like an animal lost in the room in which it is dropped, in search of what to measure.
“An educational measuring kit that introduces an elastic frame of understanding accuracy and subjectivity.”
“An autonomous AI engine that arranges and edits film in continuous real time.”
“It is an operation on the screen, a play on the surface where materiality is not brought as a question of materials, but in terms instead of material relations.”
Get a 3D mesh of any place in the world using MapTiler.
Great compact treatment of “curves” in design, especially in digital drawing tools. With some hints of qualities in certain physical curve tools, notes on the contingency of Bezier curves as a standard in digital design and some pointers to alternative approaches.
Notetaking tool, based on a database of hierarchical lists. Items are referencable and relatable.
Create public websites to share simple posts by claiming a URL, no password, no login. Pages are deleted after 30 days of inactivity. Super simple and ingenius.
“PANE is a live, functional programming environment built around data-visibility. In PANE, all intermediate values are visible by default, and you construct a program by acting on these concrete values.”
Prototype of a conversational writing interface. “You can write and edit as usual on the left, and talk with a partner on the right. Its responses are meant to evoke and suggest, not answer.”
Argeïphontes Lyre
A sound editing software with ideosyncratic interface principles that breaks with paradigms of remediation, real-life metaphors and ease-of-use.
Mac App Store
Article about the interface by Lasse Prang (in German)
Argeïphontes Recalcitrance
“… the art of file names. A rather fine collection of file names and file name filters implemented most tastefully.”
“… screws, hinges, nuts, nails, brackets and other hardware extending their original function and character. Like nails that reduce the risk of hitting your finger, two way tie wraps, fancy hinges and screws that smile at you. They give flavour to simple DIY work, review existing furniture and may inspire the carpenter.”
“»Modal« is a tool to annotate complex structures of texts. It facilitates advanced means for classifying, structuring and sorting text fragments. It enables easy collecting of contents that are linked back to their original source.”
“Printed, laser die-cut orange acrylic stencil containing annotations made by the artist, to page 11 of John Berger’s Ways of Seeing. The annotations select, highlight, as well as censor the still in-print publication. Mirroring the mass production of the available book, the work considers the possible multiplication of a personal perspective through the function of the stencil.”
“Chalktalk is a digital presentation and communication language in development. Using a blackboard-like interface, it allows a presenter to create and interact with animated digital sketches in order to demonstrate ideas and concepts in the context of a live presentation or conversation.”
“Idyll is a tool that makes it easier to author interactive narratives for the web. The goal of the project is to provide a friendly markup language — and an associated toolchain — that can be used to create dynamic, text-driven web pages.”
“TransFeed investigates the agregation, confrontation and archival of online documents.
TransFeed implies that if knowledge is information put into movement, manipulated, it is necessary to find places that allow this manipulation. Its purpose is to initiate a reflection on the forms that would suit this tool, and to question the levels of relation between texts.”
“New Interfaces for Textual Expression is a series of devices intended to create and manipulate text. Analogous to contemporary work in the field of New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME), New Interfaces for Textual Expression are intuitive but not literal: they map gestures not to characters (as with conventional writing devices, such as the keyboard and the pen), but to broader manipulations of language and layout. The devices suggest new syntaxes for composing, reading, and performing text.”
“ is a platform for algorithmic literature. was designed around the following question : “What would an algorithmic literary writing tool look like?” … Many excellent “e-lit” tools, languages and libraries already exist for algorithmic literature (cf. Twine, RiTa, Fungus, …). Many of these tools, however, do not focus on the writing act, and require using development tools during the actual process of writing. … For the platform, we instead focused on a writing tool that a poet might find compelling, and would therefore evolve out of an interface dedicated to the modular written word. As the research project evolved, our goal slowly evolved into a writing tool for text-based algorithmic literature, associated with a “programming language for poets” named AutomaticWriting<>.”
“The Crossing Machine is a mind tool conceived to stimulate the creation of new publishing artifacts. The main purpose of the project is to investigate technologies and publishing from a post-digital perspective and to propose new methodologies for producing self-reflective works.”
“THE CRITICAL INTERFACE TOOLBOX unfolds as an online resource that exposes experimental methodologies, practices, and tools aimed at enhancing critical thought towards the actual configuration of the Interface.”
“The Jupyter Notebook is a web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations and explanatory text.”
Writing environment with strong focus on structure. Documents are organized in a tree structure that is layed out in columns to traverse visually.
“… is a hybrid graphics editor and programming environment for creating interactive diagrams.”
Web framework to link contents from different online services together.
“Through this project, measuring becomes something without numbers, but with accurate precision; measuring becomes making.”
“…I designed prepositiontools to explore the potential of grammatical prepositions to analyse, ideate and materialise design proposals…”
Fidelity and minimal latency as the thresholds for analogueness of digital media?
Interactive tool/piece that visualizes editing processes on text archives (Wikipedia articles in this case).
Nice blog about medieval book culture and reading practices. Especially interesting for example a post about bookmarking techniques.
Questions digital tools in the design process, relationship human and machine, freedom and limitations. She designes systems with defined limits and rules to create space for unexpected things (Conditional Design Collective).
Other topics: creation of own digital tools, co-design with algorithms, man-machine-friction/-adaption, productive glitch and space for imperfection in digital technologies. (see interview e.g.)
Let’s focus is an example for a bunch of visualization tools, that should streamline and raise efficiency of communication processes in the context of management and business. The improved productivity is proofed with scientific studies (see Prof. Martin Eppler). The tool is interesting as it provides a set of (partly weird) visual metaphors that want to enable people without special “visual competence” to take structured notes of meetings e.g. Maybe the tendency to formalize and exploit a kind of visual thinking / diagrammatic reasoning for means of productivity.
“OSP (Open Source Publishing) is a graphic design collective that uses only Free, Libre and Open Source Software. Closely affiliated with the Brussels based foundation for art and media Constant, OSP aims to test the possibilities and realities of doing design, illustration, cartography and typography using a range of F/LOSS tools.
Since 2006, we investigate the potential of F/LOSS in a professional design environment. We do not expect to find (or offer!) the same experience as the ones we are used to. In fact, we are interested in experimenting with everything that shows up in the cracks.”
Strong usage of generative techniques and self made tools in graphic design projects. Co-responsible for Scriptographer.
“Es wird gespielt, getrickst und getan — und zwar mit allerhand Werkzeug. Wann wird aus einem Gestalter ein Ingenieur der nur auf Grund seiner Apparaturen, Erfindungen und Kniffe ein Versprechen auf Individualität abgeben kann? Ist die Herstellung einer Maschine, einer definierten Herangehensweise der konzeptionelle Befreiungsschlag gegen eine glattgedachte Allgemeingestaltung? Oder ist sie bloss ein Kunstgriff um sich aus der Verantwortung zu stehlen? Sind Gestalter moderne Alchimisten? Wie kritisch auch immer man sich diesem Thema nähern mag, unbestritten bleibt, dass diese Toys, Tricks und Tools eine Faszination ausstrahlen die weit über die simple Stilsicherheitsfrage hinausreichen.”
Develop tools for non-linear text production, information search and new forms of knowledge organization. They experiment with interface concepts and ways of associating information to enable new forms of dealing with knowledge, often especially personal knowledge systems.