Eno / Gary Hustwit
“The groundbreaking generative documentary about visionary musician and artist Brian Eno, a film that’s different every time it’s shown.”
Custom player for screenings designed by Teenage Engineering.
“The groundbreaking generative documentary about visionary musician and artist Brian Eno, a film that’s different every time it’s shown.”
Custom player for screenings designed by Teenage Engineering.
“The United States Patent and Trademark Office has a system of 1,400 descriptive “design codes” allowing you to search for trademarks. Explore random pairs of design codes, or search for specific pairs or codes.”
Series of annotated and interlinked video interviews with Ursula Pellaton on Swiss dance histories. The video interviews are transcribed and tagged with aspects relating to places, institutions, people, dance styles, body parts etc. and augmented with additional archival materials and links.
CC (creative crowds) is a server for publishing experiments that emerge around Varia Rotterdam. Tools and workflows for collective publishing experiments.
Octomode (collective editing space for PDF making, based on Etherpad)
List of interesting codes of conducts, rules, aggreements for collective organisation.
Social rules, Recurse Center
Collective Conditions, Constant
A Wishlist for Trans*feminist Servers
Catalog with resources, projects, papers on malleable software, e.g. user-tailorable systems, end-user programming and similar principles.
La Perruque is a 1 × 90 cm-long magazine publishing nonstandard type specimens printed in the unused margins of offset printing paper sheets.
“A ‘homer’ [«perruque» in french] is an artifact that a worker produces using company tools and materials outside normal production plans but at the workplace and during workhours. Despite legal, artistic and ethnographic evidence of their existence, silence surrounds [perruques]. […] this silence is not linked just to the marginal and illegal quality of these artifacts. [Perruques] shed light on a high degree of ‘complicity’ between employees regardless of their position in the hierarchy.”
(Michel Anteby, “Factory ‘homers’: Understanding a highly elusive, marginal, and illegal practice“)
“Safebook is Facebook without the content, a browser extension that hides all images, text, video, and audio on the site. Left behind are the empty containers that frame our everyday experience of social media…”
Emma Rae Norton’s research on the computer mouse.
(After “Box with the Sound of Its Own Making” by Robert Morris, 1961)
Artist duo, working a lot with diagrams, chart-like installations and visualisations on economic, social, labour issues.
“Using fragments of building rubble from a recycling yard, Matthias Maurer explored how he can capture their surfaces three-dimensionally using photogrammetric techniques. With the help of 3D-printed and milled connecting pieces, which can only be produced with the help of these 3D scans, he tries to integrate the fragments into new functional structures.”
Subscribe to web content like newsletters, social media profiles, single websites and set individual intervals in which you want to be reminded of them.
Several projects:
The Office (Slack)
“Every episode of The Office recreated in Slack”
Times Newer Roman
“…a font that looks just like Times New Roman, except each character is 5-10% wider.” (to trick standardised document lengths).
“We stole MasterClass’ content and turned it into wikiHow articles”
“When we gradate the boundaries between two polarized things, the two become smoothly connected. By blurring the various boundaries, we can find complexity, diversity, and richness of information.”
A large carpenters meter that moves, by fold and unfold, like an animal lost in the room in which it is dropped, in search of what to measure.
“A collection of twentyfour variations on the theme ‘clock’. […] Each of these twentyfour clocks shows time in a different form. The result is a sequence of numbers, letters or punctuation marks animated in different ways.”
“An educational measuring kit that introduces an elastic frame of understanding accuracy and subjectivity.”
“This web application accesses the source code of the website and interferes with its logic. Each time it is implemented by a unique combination of methods. The algorithm performs about 1000 interventions per second, using 369 151 937 methods.”
“Screen Time is a community clock connecting strangers through their mobile backgrounds. Participants are invited to take part by making a screenshot of their mobile device lock screen and submitting it to the allocated time slot. The submitted images are then compiled and presented, each being displayed for the single minute at which they were taken. The outcome is a clock that each minute reveals a glimpse into someone else’s life.”
And other works on sorting, time and measurement:
Self Carrier Shelf
All the times
Measuring in Years
Precautionary Measures
23 Holes
“An autonomous AI engine that arranges and edits film in continuous real time.”
“It is an operation on the screen, a play on the surface where materiality is not brought as a question of materials, but in terms instead of material relations.”
StretchText was coined by Ted Nelson and is the idea of having the detail of content in a document to be user-controllable. Meaning that text nodes can be expanded and contracte, for instance depending on reader’s interests. It’s comparable to zooming in the domain of detail or meaning.
Variable Level-of-detail Documents (Weston Beecroft)
Joe Coleman (personal website)
Here, the criterion is intensity or confidence.
Some links to notes and approaches on end-user programming, or the idea of software as programming environments fundamentally composable by users.
Get a 3D mesh of any place in the world using MapTiler.
Great compact treatment of “curves” in design, especially in digital drawing tools. With some hints of qualities in certain physical curve tools, notes on the contingency of Bezier curves as a standard in digital design and some pointers to alternative approaches.
“Grafoscopio is a moldable tool for interactive documentation and data visualization, that is being used in citizen, garage & open science, reproducible research, (h)ac(k)tivism, open & community innovation, domain specific visualization and data journalism …”
Rosa Menkman’s disorienting and overwhelming study of “resolution”.
“…resolution studies does not only involve the study of the effects of technological progress or the aesthetization of the scales of resolution. Resolution studies also involves a research on alternative settings that could have been in place, but are not – and the technologies which are, as a result, rendered outside of the discourse of computation.”
What if Planet 9 is a Primordial Black Hole? (Scholtz, Unwin)
“Compliant Architecture is a project that combines three strands: historical research into the emergence of building regulations; design research illustrating the limits they pose for practitioners; and teaching-led research exploring the architectural potential of these limits. … Ross inverts the ubiquitous critique of regulation among architects, suggesting that the disciplinary challenge posed by regulation is not the limits it sets, but the freedoms it offers. Ross advocates an architectural practice that works with and through regulatory limits to dramatize, rather than negate, the inherent risk of building”
Notetaking tool, based on a database of hierarchical lists. Items are referencable and relatable.
Create public websites to share simple posts by claiming a URL, no password, no login. Pages are deleted after 30 days of inactivity. Super simple and ingenius.
“A software application that records performance time of written text and vehicles it as additional information: it saves and reproduces every single action during the composition of a text, so that an additional dimension of emphasis in written communication can be circulated.”
http://rg42.org/wiki/tbt (example)
“Other Orders is a tool for sorting text and tweets.
Recommendation engines like the ones powering the endless feeds on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, are designed to maximize ad revenue, and therefore to keep you online for as long as possible. In doing so they promote the most reactionary content on their platforms. Yet, these recommendation systems are nothing more than sorting mechanisms.
Other Orders provides an alternate set of sorts, optimized for other outcomes.”
“Taking a closer look at the common practice of computer organization using folders and files and taking a page out of Italo Calvino’s book, Invisible Cities, we will explore folder structures as a new kind of poetic form and DAT as a way to build digital spaces with and for our networks.”
“Everyone who interacts with computers has, in very real ways already been programming. The distinction between programmer and user is maintained by a tech industry that benefits from a population rendered computationally passive. Together we can build up and cultivate one another’s agency to shape technology and online spaces that support and care for each other and our communities.”
“‘OpenDataCam’ is a tool that helps to quantify the world. … With computer vision OpenDataCam understands and quantifies moving objects. The simple setup allows everybody to become an urban data miner.”
“18 symmetrical formations composed from the archetypal postcard back delineation rules and stamp box.”
(His projects in general)
Collection of various sophisticated generative graphics and systems. All code on Github.
Ballots (generative form layouts)
Byrne Proofs (proofs of nothing)
(From 76 Reasonable Questions to ask about any technology by Jacques Ellul)
“Shipping/returns as a cultural and physical contemporary phenomena. referencing richard artschwager’s ‘crates’, these careful crates serve as material resistance to a standardized bounding box economy that organizes, binds, shelters and delimits contents in anticipation of global circulation.”
Boxed In: The Aesthetics of Material Circulation
“PANE is a live, functional programming environment built around data-visibility. In PANE, all intermediate values are visible by default, and you construct a program by acting on these concrete values.”
Let’s Enhance / Duncan Robson
Apocryphal enhancement technologies in crime dramas.
No Signal (and other cellular drama) / Rich Juzwiak
Bad cellular reception as plot-device in horror-movies.
The Clock (excerpts) / Christian Marclay
24 hours of movie scenes with and about time in chronological order.
Reach, Grasp, Move, Position, Apply Force / Kajsa Dahlberg
The optimization of movements in labour and the role of film.
“I attempt to become a human version of Amazon Alexa, a smart home intelligence for people in their own homes. The performance lasts several days. It begins with an installation of a series of custom designed networked smart devices (including cameras, microphones, switches, door locks, faucets, and other electronic devices). I then remotely watch over the person 24/7 and control all aspects of their home. I aim to be better than an AI because I can understand them as a person and anticipate their needs. The relationship that emerges falls in the ambiguous space between human-machine and human-human.”
More projects
“Magic UX is a spatial user interface which allows users to virtually “pin” apps to a physical space. Every time you move your device to that space, the same app will open on your screen. … You can physically move content between apps just by dragging it through space. … Also multiple users can share the same virtual space, allowing them to drag and drop content into each others devices seamlessly.”
“Declassifier processes pictures using the YOLO computer vision algorithm. Instead of showing the program’s prediction, the picture is overlayed with images from COCO, the training dataset from which the algorithm learned in the first place.”
Exhibition and research on joints in design and art.
“Russian artist Alexei Shulgin’s Form Art (1997), which used HTML buttons and boxes as the raw material for monochromatic compositions, is at first glance a purely formal study of certain aspects of HTML. But it was also absurd: Form Art transformed the most bureaucratic, functional, and unloved aspects of the web into aesthetic, ludic elements.”
“By rendering these standard forms useless, Shulgin draws attention to the materiality and function of the web. “Bringing them in focus was a declaration of the fact that a computer interface is not a ‘transparent’ invisible layer to be taken for granted,” Shulgin notes, “but something that defines the way we are forced to work and even think.””
“AlterEgo puts the power of computing in a user’s self, instead of on her fingertips…”
“…human-computer interaction that is subjectively experienced as completely internal to the human user—like speaking to one’s self.”
“…enabling a discreet, bi-directional interface with a computing device, and providing a seamless form of intelligence augmentation.”
Prototype of a conversational writing interface. “You can write and edit as usual on the left, and talk with a partner on the right. Its responses are meant to evoke and suggest, not answer.”
An ongoing list of movies, series, sketches and other media that use digital interfaces as narrative framings.
Modern Family, Season 6, Episode 16 “Connection Lost”
Full episode taking place in the laptop screen of Claire Dunphy.
Argeïphontes Lyre
A sound editing software with ideosyncratic interface principles that breaks with paradigms of remediation, real-life metaphors and ease-of-use.
Mac App Store
Article about the interface by Lasse Prang (in German)
Argeïphontes Recalcitrance
“… the art of file names. A rather fine collection of file names and file name filters implemented most tastefully.”
“… screws, hinges, nuts, nails, brackets and other hardware extending their original function and character. Like nails that reduce the risk of hitting your finger, two way tie wraps, fancy hinges and screws that smile at you. They give flavour to simple DIY work, review existing furniture and may inspire the carpenter.”
“A performative design research that explores how the handshake – a simple social gesture – has become coded with immense nationalistic meaning and examines how our definition of normal influences our suspicions of others.”
“»Modal« is a tool to annotate complex structures of texts. It facilitates advanced means for classifying, structuring and sorting text fragments. It enables easy collecting of contents that are linked back to their original source.”
“‘Open Data Cam’ is a tool that helps to quantify the world. With computer vision ‘Open Data Cam’ understands and quantifies what it sees. The simple DIY setup allows everybody to become an urban data miner.”
“The aim of this study is to evaluate the role of the physical body within a digital working environment by examining how certain physical motions take on gestural meaning and how these motions translate into the digital gestures that they subsequently create.”
“Inspired by different technics (dating back from XVIth century until our contemporary “survivalists”) the three gloves of Palm Dial transform the hand of the user in tools to measure the passing of time, creating a direct link between the position of the body and the course of the sun.”
“0&I is a computer software, freely downloadable and installable by the user-viewer on his computer.
This software creates a discreet but permanent modification on the way the computer works. The software changes the blinkrate of the cursor in any program in which the user can type data (Micro- soft Word, for exemple). The rate is slowed down to the same number an adult body breathes per minute.
The cursor is considered as one of the precise entry point between sensible and virtual, between reality and data. By slowing down a digital rhythm and adapting it to a natural rhythm the artist questions the closest and closest relation between « natural » and « digital » occuring nowadays.”
“Printed, laser die-cut orange acrylic stencil containing annotations made by the artist, to page 11 of John Berger’s Ways of Seeing. The annotations select, highlight, as well as censor the still in-print publication. Mirroring the mass production of the available book, the work considers the possible multiplication of a personal perspective through the function of the stencil.”
The Amazon Echo as an anatomical map of human labor, data and planetary resources.
Installation of an Amazon’s Alexa asked by Apple’s Siri about its politics.
“But what would it mean if we took a different view of what visualization could do? What would it mean if a visualization was designed to be difficult and abstract? If it was intended to send us back to the original source of the data in order to make sense of the image we encountered? What if the goal of visualization was to allow each person, individually, to interpret the image for herself?
This was the aim of Elizabeth Palmer Peabody, the nineteenth-century writer, editor, and educator. Inspired by a system developed in Poland earlier in the century, she devised a method of translating historical events into shape and color. In her textbook, she explained her desire to appeal to the “mind’s eye” so that each student could create a personal account of the past.”
“An exploration of the relationship between the handcraft and computercraft. A brick mouse is used to construct a drawing of a brick wall. The amount of time, sweat, blistering and physical exhaustion to make the drawing of a brick wall is equivalent to the amount of time, sweat, blistering and physical exhaustion of an actual bricklayer.”
Collection of videos of corporate future visions.
“Anthropological Taxonomy in first photographs taken with a new digital camera.”
“Chalktalk is a digital presentation and communication language in development. Using a blackboard-like interface, it allows a presenter to create and interact with animated digital sketches in order to demonstrate ideas and concepts in the context of a live presentation or conversation.”
A collection of more than 11,000 objects (of 700,000 total) found during excavations in the dried river bed of the Amstel. Photographed and sorted by date of origin (going back until 124,000 BC).
Prototype of combined sensor and actuator to simulate different physical behaviours by software.
http://rmozone.com/snapshots/2017/10/rmo-at-google/#cutting-board (Video)
http://rmozone.com/snapshots/2017/10/rmo-at-google/#spill (Video, above)
Global addressing system based on a 3×3 m grid of the world, where each cell is identified by a unique three word combination. Thought to replace numeric geo locations that are hard to remember and prone to errors in transmission. Covering the globe in a multi-lingual layer of random functional poetry.
“The project False Positives is about intelligent surveillance systems. These are camera’s that are said to be able to detect deviant behaviour within public space. False Positives is set around the question of normative behaviour. It aims to raise this question by basing the project on eight different ‘anomalies’. These so called anomalies are sign in body-language and movement that could indicate criminal intent. It is through these anomalies the algorithms are built and cameras are able to detect deviant behaviour.”
“My approach was to observe the stray cart in the way that a naturalist might observe an animal. I never posed or repositioned or interfered with stray carts. I thought of the human actors as unseen natural forces (people almost never appear directly in any of the project photographs). I wrote the text from the point of view of someone who took the taxonomic investigation of stray shopping carts extremely seriously.”
Twelve Tales Told
“A dozen logos for Hollywood production companies play before you as they would precede a normal Hollywood production; appropriately in 3D if watching digitally, in 2D on 35mm—and self-aggrandizing in any format. Only, each logo sequence, some animated with glossy grandeur (Disney, Paramount), some more restrained (Regency, Warner Bros.), is stutteringly interwoven image by image into the others, beginning with the longest and ending with the shortest. The resulting visual effect is of a sustained anti-climax of bombast: the fanfare for the main attraction is drawn out and aggravated to become the main attraction. Since new production logos are progressively feathered into the mix, the manufactured desired climax of full logo revelation—say, of Disney’s beloved castle and fireworks—is continually delayed by other interfering companies”
Vertigo Rush
“VERTIGO RUSH is a technically extravagant experiment consisting of a series of dolly zooms: a succession of camera movements captured in individual images of forward and backward motion, while simultaneously zooming in the opposite direction. Accelerating this pendulum movement, at first gently and later drastically, intensifies the optical illusion of the space shifting together—and smoothly hands it over to the abstract, transferred to a “dissolving” image.”
And other of his films:
Pure CSS illustrations and discussions of their rendering differences in various browser versions.
“The installation self-generates images using two flatbed scanners laying on their side, with scanning surfaces pointing at one another. A computer script creates automatic mouse movements, randomizing the settings of the proprietary scanning software interface, and beginning a scanning process.
Each newly created image is then analyzed by a series of deep-learning algorithms trained on a database of contemporary artworks in economic and institutional circulation. When an image matches an existing artwork beyond an 83% match, it uploads it to this website and a twitter account.”
“A meditation on the data that passes through the fabric of the city each day, every thing every time questions not only the role data has in our lives, but the use and value it has as it is collected. Can we see the urban landscape differently through the technologies that make sense of it?
“every thing every time is a piece of real-time digital writing, which is drawing from the many ‘things’ and ‘events’ and changes of ‘status’ that are constantly happening in Manchester,” says artist Naho Matsuda. “In every thing every time I have turned these data streams into narratives formatted as poems, that are stripped from their location information and any data transmitting purpose. Smart information becomes impractical poetry.”
“Single pages from IKEA furniture-assembly instructions were mixed together and renumbered. The result is an instructions manual of about 700 pages.”
And other of his projects:
An “automated lexicon”.
Two striking examples of (kind of) comedy playing with media reflexivity, especially the subversion of media formats (in the sense of TV programming formats) to comedic effect.
Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared (series):
Too Many Cooks:
“The prominent apps and sites often share a common element today; the feed. It looks like Facebook’s timeline, or Buzzfeed’s homepage—an endlessly updating stream of content, designed to keep you returning, and spending more time.
You frequently hear of us feeling burnt out by this “drinking from a firehose.” Of course, these products know that, and are increasingly implementing steps to filter what you see and what you don’t based in part on what keeps you returning—a perpetually shifting mix, resulting in what has become known as the filter bubble, FOMO, and other things.
Hardly Everything attempts to circumnavigate these corporate feeds by supplying you with an anti-feed.”
Windows Rainbows and Dinos
And other projects.
Die With Me
“The chat app you can only use when you have less than 5% battery.”
non views
“non views is a Chrome extension that replaces the amount of views on a YouTube into the amount of people that didn’t watch the video in the world.”
Realtime gradient of two pixel colors from the sky of two webcams on the opposite side of the earth.
“A screen record piece based on a repeating action of opening and closing two jpeg files that each show the word ‘Repetition’ and ‘Difference’ one at a time. The new recording is then played back with the old recording, and this process is repeated. As these turns of repetition grow, the result is an erasure of the initial action and the dominance of changes.”
“Idyll is a tool that makes it easier to author interactive narratives for the web. The goal of the project is to provide a friendly markup language — and an associated toolchain — that can be used to create dynamic, text-driven web pages.”
“The shape of the Substitute Phone replicates an average smartphone, however, its functions are reduced to the movements we make hundreds of times on a daily basis. The stone beads which are incorporated in the body let you scroll, zoom and swipe. there are no digital functions. Thee object, which some of us describe as a prosthesis, is reduced to nothing but the motions. This calming limitation offers help for smartphone addicts to cope with withdrawal symptoms. The object as a therapeutic approach.”
“With 657 billion digital images per year being captured and pushed to the web, it is likely that at some point in your life you’ve taken a photo that already exists. And you will continue to do so with the help of this app.
CCamera is the first camera app that takes images that have already been uploaded to the internet. It brings your photos to the next level — because they’re not yours.”
“The Feminist Search Tool is a digital interface that invites users to explore different ways of engaging with the records of the Utrecht University Library, putting forward the question: Why are the authors of the books I read so white, so male, so Eurocentric?”
“TransFeed investigates the agregation, confrontation and archival of online documents.
TransFeed implies that if knowledge is information put into movement, manipulated, it is necessary to find places that allow this manipulation. Its purpose is to initiate a reflection on the forms that would suit this tool, and to question the levels of relation between texts.”
“Copying has become ubiquitous yet invisible, both in the digital realm and in the analog world. In the arts-based research project originalcopy we develop a working model that subjects the dichotomy of original and copy to a re-evaluation from a post-digital perspective and sheds light on this contradictory phenomenon. Our research focuses on the tensions between the supposed immateriality of digital technologies and their material manifestations by appropriating contemporary methods of copying and exposing them to artistic processes of transformation and translation. In originalcopy we are less interested in the results of a recycling derived from the double act of copying copying strategies, rather the processes that lead to them. Our main question is how copying practices can be rendered productive for the investigation of the same.”
“Accumulative Collaboration” is both experimental and site-specific research in which we investigate “embodied knowing” alongside “machine knowing”.
In “Accumulative Collaboration”, we are collaborating with an open-source, neural network (a form of artificial intelligence) to facilitate human to human connections and embodied knowing. Participants are asked to improvise gestures with their hands in front of a computer to train a neural network, which learns the movements.
The hands train the neural network and a duet between machine and human ensues.
esolangs, disruptive codes, weird hc/i, differential thought platforms, the digital ephemeral, null programs and deletions, unstable linguistics, structure as content, machine disobedience, new relationships between programmers and their primary progeny (bugs), useless machines (Shannon/Minksy), synthetic languages, circuitous systems, constraint sets for coders, paraconsistent calculi, and other platforms, systems, and languages that break from the norms of computing”
“RE: is a 360° projection mapping installation that uses mirrors to allow a projector to project onto its own surface. The mirrors bounce the projections back onto their source. Virtual pixels become points of augmentation in actual space. In most cases the projector has a functional role within a video installation; the projector in RE: functions as a symbol for both sender and receiver of the medium of light.”
“Winky Dink and You” (CBS, US 1953-57), TV-show for children marketing a product – a plastic foil – that the kids would apply to the screen of the TV set.
“This is an early video piece staring Dan Sandin in which he explains, in general terms, the functionality of the Sandin Analogue Image Processor (IP). This was the instructional video that accompanied the modules for constructing you own Sandin IP.
The video is processed through the IP “live” so that the viewer is able to see the effect on video signals. Initially the video is B&W, at the end Sandin debuts the ‘Color IP’.”
And similar “Video-Uhhh!”:
And other projects:
Sincerity Machine: The Comic Sans typewriter
“Inspired by Andrew Huang and his MIDI unicorn, I make midi compositions that forms a picture. It’s called a MIDI drawing, and it’s entirely stupid, but incredibly fun to make.”
A talk about giving talks.
Photoshop filters applied to the „first“ photoshopped image („Jennifer in Paradise“).
“The smart, hassle-free, plug-and-play USB-friendly media player that loops video perfectly on all screens and syncs without problems or cables. And is a lot cheaper than the competition. The DullTech™ Media Player is both a piece of hardware and a performative artwork.”
“When you are not playing a video, and you leave the player on, a custom art work will play on the DullTech™ player! You can read more about it in our collected press.
We see the entire company as an artwork actually, kinda relational aesthetics with awkward self aware neoliberal mannerisms.”
“In computation, a ’pipe’ is a method to enable various software modules to connect to each other, where the output of one program is treated as the input for the next program. ’Pipes’ form the basis of The Unix philosophy, a perspective on software production where multiple task-oriented tools can be chained together to make seemingly endless software combinations possible. While interchangeable and flexible, the assumption that each element should be optimised to ’Do One Thing and Do It Well’ leads to a rather predictable and ultimately normative set. If each tool is designed to be used in any context by anyone at any time, what about situated knowledge? How can we imagine modularity, knowing that software processes are inherently leaky and contextual?”
“The Screenless Office is a system for working with media and networks without using a pixel-based display. It is an artistic operating system.”
“New Interfaces for Textual Expression is a series of devices intended to create and manipulate text. Analogous to contemporary work in the field of New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME), New Interfaces for Textual Expression are intuitive but not literal: they map gestures not to characters (as with conventional writing devices, such as the keyboard and the pen), but to broader manipulations of language and layout. The devices suggest new syntaxes for composing, reading, and performing text.”
“Automatic.ink is a platform for algorithmic literature. Automatic.ink was designed around the following question : “What would an algorithmic literary writing tool look like?” … Many excellent “e-lit” tools, languages and libraries already exist for algorithmic literature (cf. Twine, RiTa, Fungus, …). Many of these tools, however, do not focus on the writing act, and require using development tools during the actual process of writing. … For the Automatic.ink platform, we instead focused on a writing tool that a poet might find compelling, and would therefore evolve out of an interface dedicated to the modular written word. As the research project evolved, our goal slowly evolved into a writing tool for text-based algorithmic literature, associated with a “programming language for poets” named AutomaticWriting<>.”
“The Silhouette series utilizes the 18th century technique of the same name by representing a subject as an outline cut into a single piece of solid black paper. … Although the technique most commonly depicts a person in profile, it is applied here towards the proportions and shape of the modern day Internet. The individual compositions are composed from pieces of the artist’s own Internet browsing data and based on standardized internet advertising proportions, drawing into question whether these proportions are in reaction to or are a driving force behind the general shape of the web.”
“An automated music clip making use of the interfaces and applications in our computers.”
“The Crossing Machine is a mind tool conceived to stimulate the creation of new publishing artifacts. The main purpose of the project is to investigate technologies and publishing from a post-digital perspective and to propose new methodologies for producing self-reflective works.”
“THE CRITICAL INTERFACE TOOLBOX unfolds as an online resource that exposes experimental methodologies, practices, and tools aimed at enhancing critical thought towards the actual configuration of the Interface.”
“Unfold is an online publishing and archiving platform based upon the structure of the digital folder.”
“The Readers Project is a collection of distributed, performative, quasi-autonomous poetic ‘readers’ — active, procedural entities with distinct reading behaviors and strategies. […] Each reader follows traces of linguistic and poetic structure — symbolic idealities — that define their specific focus of attention. Since the their behaviors are derived from a necessarily partial, aesthetically implicated analysis of human reading, they explore and reveal certain contours and outlines of linguistic materiality’s ‘other dimensions’, in work that we propose to be significant, affective, and literary.”
“Objectifier empowers people to train objects in their daily environment to respond to their unique behaviors. It gives an experience of training an artificial intelligence; a shift from a passive consumer to an active, playful director of domestic technology.”
“Wijnsma started scanning her 22m x 22m garden in the woods of Drenthe, in the north-east of the Netherlands. ↺ [refresh] is a continuously updated 1:1 garden preservation for the screen.”
“Land Lines is an experiment that lets you explore Google Earth satellite imagery through gesture. “Draw” to find satellite images that match your every line; “Drag” to create an infinite line of connected rivers, highways and coastlines.”
“Socratic Search is a speculative search engine based upon the principles of Socractic Questioning, and built on Google Custom Search technology. Replacing a single search button with multiple search options. It’s aim is to guide users into a deeper, more disciplined ways of questioning the worlds information that Google organises and returns to us every day.”
“A workshop and ongoing research project which uses Sir John Soane’s unrealised architectural speculation ‘Design for an Entrance to London’ (c 1805) as a means to reimagine how we directly access and perceive the internet as the modern equivalent to the living organism of a city. The workshop questions how we might do this in a way that more critically considers the role access to the internet plays in authoring our interpretation of reality, our shared values, our social potential and human evolution.”
“Contra-Internet engages the emerging militancies and subversions of “the Internet,” such as the global proliferation of autonomous mesh networks, encryption tactics, and darknets. Contra-Internet aims to function as a conceptual, practical, and experimental framework for refusing the neoliberal logic of “the Internet” while building alternatives to its infrastructure.”
“The Jupyter Notebook is a web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations and explanatory text.”
“Still File is a series of 4 photographs recreating computer renderings as physical scenes. The photos’ artifacts, surroundings, camera settings and lighting has been shaped intending to resemble 3d graphics of different types.”
Writing environment with strong focus on structure. Documents are organized in a tree structure that is layed out in columns to traverse visually.
A computer system with text-based interface and some ideosyncratic tweaks developed by Raskin aimed at high efficiency and convenience. He elaborates on his approach in his “Humane Interface” book. Most notably the LEAP function, a way to quickly navigate around documents, that also introduced the dedicated LEAP buttons on the CanonCat’s keyboard.
“… is a hybrid graphics editor and programming environment for creating interactive diagrams.”
“The aim of the “Critical Atlas of Internet” is to use spatial analysis as a key to understanding social, political and economic issues on Internet.”
The website also has an adaptive print layout to scale from booklet to poster in any size.
“… a series of objects presenting a playful interpretation take on the concept of the smart home.”
Group project to develop a new software system based on Doug Engelbart’s ideas for the 50th anniversary of the demo of 1968.
“Soylent is a crowd-powered interface: one that embeds workers from Mechanical Turk into Microsoft Word.”
More projects http://dcfvg.com
“Queer Programming Anti-Language”
“It is an apparatus, that sorts pebbles from a specific river by their geologic age.”
“Schema.org is a collaborative, community activity with a mission to create, maintain, and promote schemas for structured data on the Internet, on web pages, in email messages, and beyond.”
“The project aims to re-invent the traditional reading interface for digital humanity scholars based on Jerome McGann’s idea: a “dynamic space that can be organized in an indefinite number of perspectives.” The idea is that the reader will be able to “wander” through a field of text content, and by taking different perspective to view this field of content, derive different threads of argumentation.”
The Preservation of Favoured Traces / Ben Fry
The Homer Multitext
Intro to Digital Humanities / Reader by Johanna Drucker
Early spreadsheet software, to be considered the first “killer app” for Personal Computing and the first application that convinced people to invest in whole systems (the Apple II). First software that went through a whole software career cycle, until its decline fueled by competitor “Lotus 1-2-3”. Also notable for its good documentation at that time.
1965, Side-by-side connected comparison of parallel documents
1999, PYXI viewer by Ka-Ping Yee
2014, OpenXanadu by Ted Nelson and Nicholas Levin
Key concepts
Xanalogical structure
Parallel documents / Transpointing windows
Deep links
Deep versioning and re-use (transclusion)
JS implementation of Stretchtext
ZigZag database system
“It utilizes the ability of computers to comprehend semantic meaning via “common-sense networks” to poetically represent the socio-cultural effects of natural language processing.”
Wiki on digital forensics (also known as computer forensics).
“Grey Media produce the working environment of administrators, professionals, delivery operatives and arranges the movements and work-arounds of everyone from chief executives to intellectuals or cleaners. They are the background to contemporary society. Using them, getting round their failures, exploiting their specific qualities, forms part of the necessary knowledge of the present day. These things mediate, transform, encode, filter and translate relations.”
“A portrait ‘drawing’ machine at a shopping mall is made to create his own portrait by placing a mirror in the portrait booth.”
And other projects:
“These source images were randomly grouped and digitally merged with a Photomerge script inside Adobe Photoshop. The script is a common algorithm used to stitch separate images together into longer panoramas. In the case of “Iconoclashes,” the script attempts to blend these “God”-tagged images together, creating chimeric deities, hybrid talismans, and surreal stellae, gods and statues.”
“Entropy is a programming language about giving up control. All data decays as the program runs: each value alters slightly every time it’s used, becoming less precise.”
Also “New Languages”
“If completed, it would contain every possible combination of 1,312,000 characters, including lower case letters, space, comma, and period. Thus, it would contain every book that ever has been written, and every book that ever could be – including every play, every song, every scientific paper, every legal decision, every constitution, every piece of scripture, and so on. At present it contains all possible pages of 3200 characters, about 104677 books.”
Also, the principle applied to image data:
Web framework to link contents from different online services together.
“How can Micro Visualisations enhance text comprehension, memorability, and exploitation?”
“Through this project, measuring becomes something without numbers, but with accurate precision; measuring becomes making.”
“This tool allows the user to distort the typeface as they write, using the moving palettes placed beneath their palms. The goal is to be able to produce one’s own typography in real time, thus offering a more personal approach.”
“…I designed prepositiontools to explore the potential of grammatical prepositions to analyse, ideate and materialise design proposals…”
Fidelity and minimal latency as the thresholds for analogueness of digital media?
And similar projects.
“1. These rulers are not timelines themselves.
2. These rulers are timeline makers.”
“The adversaria of Google Books: captured mark of the hand and digitization as rephotography.”
Spaces created by stitched-together video materials from different places. Other works by the artist also experiment with space-time composites.
Url animations with simple editor.
Interactive tool/piece that visualizes editing processes on text archives (Wikipedia articles in this case).
And other projects related to mapping, ordering, tracking, systems, observation.
Nice blog about medieval book culture and reading practices. Especially interesting for example a post about bookmarking techniques.
“The objective of allRGB is simple: To create images with one pixel for every RGB color (16777216); not one color missing, and not one color twice.”
“Reflecting eighteenth century antiquarian approaches to place, which included history, folklore, natural history and hearsay, the deep map attempts to record and represent the grain and patina of place through juxtapositions and interpenetrations of the historical and the contemporary, the political and the poetic, the discursive and the sensual; the conflation of oral testimony, anthology, memoir, biography, natural history and everything you might ever want to say about a place …”
Wireless sensor stickers for context aware applications. Considering the fundamental messiness of infrastructures and the procedural simplicity of the functional programming I imagine some interesting side effects if these things move around unintentionally, become trash and create a messy hyper-context, where you loose sight of what reacts to what. Maybe a question of context-aware ubiquitous applications in general.
“Scream sits quietly in your computer’s system tray and automatically springs into action when it detects a scream. Scream disturbs your Windows interface. […] When your throat gets tired, Scream can double as an unusual music visualizer – or as a new approach to desktop filmmaking. Use Scream to start a meme. Or simply as a random act of deprogramming.”
“This project investigates the idea of using computation to “use up” a piece of technology, in this case a digital camera. Using custom-written software (and a very long period of time), every possible photograph is generated, one at a time and in numerical order.”
See also his other projects exploring ideas of technical images, algorithms, abstraction, and computational vision.
Course at the Harvard Graduate School of Design on designing interventions for the library.
“Three distinct algorithms have been created – each adhering to a specific ethical principle/behaviour set-up – and embedded into driverless virtual cars that are operating in a simulated environment, where they will be confronted with ethical dilemmas.”
Digital instrument with a unique and potentially very intuitive analogue interface.
Talk demonstrating the concept and prototype of a software tool for creating parameterized graphics. Blend of programming and graphics.
“Things that contain other things. Things on three legs. Things we don’t know anything about. Things with teeth.”
“Telephony allows gallery visitors to dial into a wall based grid of 42 Siemens mobile telephones, which in turn begin to call each other and create a piece of ‘music.'”
See also other projects of the artists.
“We worry about the imaginary, supplemental alphabets starting with letter twenty-seven. This is the impulse behind our notes for a liberated computer language, to re-introduce new noisy alphabets into the rigid semantic zone of informatic networks. […] We consider there to be little difference between living informatic networks and the universal informatic languages and standards used to define and sculpt them. If the languages are finite, then so, unfortunately, are the life possibilities. Thus a new type of language is needed, a liberated computer language for the articulation of political desires in today’s hostile climate of universal informatics.” (“The Exploit: A Theory of Networks”)
Free journal for culture and theory.
“… camera and monitor function as a mirror that links the images of the viewers. […] The software, which runs between camera and monitor, attempts to re-construct each face from image fragments of the other. The image of one face cannot be realised without the other and vice versa.
See also other works about materiality, aesthetics and potential of digital technologies:
Online magazine featuring essays and visual examples more or less dealing with diagrams and poetics.
Machine generates shapes and tries to recursively imitate them, creating an endless process of effort due to the inevitable tolerances.
Uses materials and visual language out of the context of the office (printer, paper, pens, excel) for reduced works, playing with order, repetition, patience.
“We believe in the joy of metering. It is enlightening and highly reassuring, also fun.”
…is comprised of over 2,000 voice recordings collected via Amazon’s Mechanical Turk web service.
Questions digital tools in the design process, relationship human and machine, freedom and limitations. She designes systems with defined limits and rules to create space for unexpected things (Conditional Design Collective).
Other topics: creation of own digital tools, co-design with algorithms, man-machine-friction/-adaption, productive glitch and space for imperfection in digital technologies.
http://poly-luna.com (see interview e.g.)
The names of the victims of the terror attack on the memorial site are ordered with the help of custom software by their relationships (family, friends, colleagues together). Relatives could influence the final layout. The arrangement should reconstruct the “social net” of the victims.
Collaborative online development of animations with alternative narrative paths. Tree as interface metaphor.
Deals with temporal orders, calendars and subjective counting systems in her graphical works.
Multiplicity of shapes and artifacts by combination, iteration, repetition.
“…combinations of image and text from different authors, linked by a place on earth – fragments of a collective local memory.”
A trading algorithm based on superstition (moon phases, numerology). An objectively subjective apparatus.
“The Petabyte Age is different because more is different. Kilobytes were stored on floppy disks. Megabytes were stored on hard disks. Terabytes were stored in disk arrays. Petabytes are stored in the cloud. As we moved along that progression, we went from the folder analogy to the file cabinet analogy to the library analogy to — well, at petabytes we ran out of organizational analogies.
This is a world where massive amounts of data and applied mathematics replace every other tool that might be brought to bear. Out with every theory of human behavior, from linguistics to sociology. Forget taxonomy, ontology, and psychology. Who knows why people do what they do? The point is they do it, and we can track and measure it with unprecedented fidelity. With enough data, the numbers speak for themselves.”
“The End of Theory”, Chris Anderson in WIRED (+ weitere Kurzartikel zum Thema)
“…explores the possibility of a modular construction model where everyone designs for everyone on the basis of one shared geometrical grid.”
The need of a rigidly defined, universal, modular order for enabling collaborative and open source development.
It is “a joke about the meter,” Duchamp glibly noted about this piece, but his premise for it reads like a theorem: “If a straight horizontal thread one meter long falls from a height of one meter onto a horizontal plane twisting as it pleases[it] creates a new image of the unit of length.” Duchamp dropped three threads one meter long from the height of one meter onto three stretched canvases. The threads were then adhered to the canvases to preserve the random curves they assumed upon landing. The canvases were cut along the threads’ profiles, creating a template of their curves creating new units of measure that retain the length of the meter but undermine its rational basis.
“Das Memoseum ist eine dynamische Sammlung des Erinnerns und des Vergessens, im ständigen Prozess der Erweiterung.”
“This book contains the first Google image result for every word in the dictionary.”
Digital image atlas following ideas of Aby Warburg and Walter Benjamin, focused on objects of non-western culture. Not very rich of material.
“…for the display an open number of artifacts, objects and positions that may enter via an edited matrix of attributes into variable, unpredictable, and dynamic relations with each other.”
Book and website with essays about future forms of reading. Free to read online.
“A myriahedron is a polyhedron with a very large number of faces. For this reason, we call the results myriahedral projections. In step 2 and 3, this myriahedron is cut open and unfolded. The resulting maps have a large number of interrupts, but are (almost) conformal and conserve areas.”
MIT project to develop a collection (a “hypergraph”) of “Common Sense Knowledge”.
“To improve computers’ understanding of the world that people live in and talk about, we need to provide them with usable knowledge about the basic relationships between things that nearly every person knows.”
The data set is free to download and explorable online.
Research project about the possible role of networked images in the sciences. A system to assamble, categorise, annotate and link images wants to explore new forms of working with images in other scientific contexts than in art history. Some examples on the website.
Lang explores in historical reference to Goethe and Constable cloud phenomena as artistic commentary and the question of presentability. For example his “idealized” phantom images of clouds he did with help of the “identikit machine” of the BKA or his “Cloud Walks”.
The camera produces no image but a textual description of the motive, written by some strange user of Mechanical Turk web service.
“Each of the components of The Serendipity Engine will highlight problems observed by digital theorists, designers and technologists with the way the Web currently works – linguistic barriers, echo chambers – by proposing one vision of how the technology can be re-tooled to increase serendipitous encounters.”
“[…] the aim is to render visible other factors that could produce more inclusive digital technologies that better-represent being human in code.”
“[…] render visible the labour of knowledge making.”
Translates barcodes in output signals on an array of power sockets, where you can connect all kinds of electronical devices.
Friedrich Nietzsche
Labov investigated the borders of words and concepts and the working of categorization in everyday communication. In a study drawings of “containers” with different formal characteristics where shown to participants. They had to assign them with either “cup”, “bowl” or “vase”. The decision gradually changed when they where asked to imagine the object filled with flowers or mashed potatoes for example. The categorization seems to be context dependent and fuzzy. Prototype theory in general states that we imagine categories of things around a strong member or representative of the category. It often refers to Wittgenstein’s concept of “Familienähnlichkeit” (family likeness).
Let’s focus is an example for a bunch of visualization tools, that should streamline and raise efficiency of communication processes in the context of management and business. The improved productivity is proofed with scientific studies (see Prof. Martin Eppler). The tool is interesting as it provides a set of (partly weird) visual metaphors that want to enable people without special “visual competence” to take structured notes of meetings e.g. Maybe the tendency to formalize and exploit a kind of visual thinking / diagrammatic reasoning for means of productivity.
Theoretical occupation with diagrams, forms of order, forms of thinking and transformation in own diagrams.
“Formfragen als Ordnugsfragen” (PDF)
Video artists, deal with space, body, objects, interaction, colour, composition in short and ironic video pieces. Works arranged lexical on their website.
Generative compositing technique. Different moments in time composed in a video grid.
Collection of products exhibiting errors in the production process.
Portraits composed out of layers of photographs that where taken over a period of three minutes.
Blow-up is a high resolution interactive display that is designed to fragment a surveillance camera view into 2400 virtual cameras that zoom into the exhibition space in fluid and autonomous motion. Inspired by Antonioni, the piece is intended as a an exercise to underline the construction of presence through a simulated, live compound eye.
See also other projects:
Workshop and symposium about alternative structures of order, especially in the context of the unique library in Sitterwerk. The books there are always located by RFID technology. Users have the freedom to create associative orders in the bookshelves while at the same time every item is digitally trackable. How can hidden relations made visible and other interactions with the material be enabled.
A collection of 250 situations / scenarios / pattern of problems in architecture and urban planning. Images, texts and diagrams explain each situation and propose solutions. Structured in three parts from macro to micro (towns, buildings, construction). Meant as an instruction of modular solutions with the effort to enable more lively, integrated and beautiful architecture.
Digitally augmented room filled with algorithmically evolving graphical “life forms”. Interesting arrangement and atmosphere.
“A matrix of nearly 80 adapter bricks that enable complete interoperability between ten popular children’s construction toys. By allowing any piece to join to any other, the Kit encourages totally new forms of intercourse between otherwise closed systems—enabling radically hybrid constructive play, the creation of previously impossible designs.”
Alexander Gerner in “Diagrammatic Thinking” in “Atlas of Transformation”
Multiplied photographs used as a method to constitute “deviant” social groups in the 19th century. Francis Galton for example tried to construct visual evidence of universal physiognomic characteristics of jewish or criminally accused people to argue for his problematic theory of inheritance. Visual methods are exploited to construct and affirm a social order.
Artistic and subjective diagrams, known from the “Atlas of Transformation”.
“A-Z/ A=A (s. Identität) kreist um Bilder als Denkfiguren, die Theorien transportieren und Begriffsfelder konstruieren. 136 Bildtafeln versammeln Motive verschiedenartiger Herkunft zu Konstellationen, die auf Momente von Wiederholung, Assoziation, Vergleich, Repräsentation und Referenz bauen und die die Wandelbarkeit der Lesart eines einzelnen Bildes in Abhängigkeit von seinem jeweiligen Kontext demonstrieren. Gegliedert wird das Buch durch 180 Begriffe, die am Kopf jeder Seite stehen und die auf separaten alphabetisch geordneten Seiten erläutert werden. Die Begriffe werden nicht allgemeingültig definiert – vielmehr wird der Versuch unternommen, die Begriffe durch die Kombination einzelner möglicher Bedeutungsaspekte neu zu konzipieren.”
“My work investigates problems related to order. In a reality that is constantly leaking over the borders of comprehension, the attempt to establish an order has to result in a struggle, that is both hilarious and tragic.
Most works evolve around game structures. A game accommodates regulative order alongside euphoric disarray.”
Technological intervention to “disorder” communication (“Miscommunication Technologies”) to gain more quality of communication. The service randomly connects two registered members of a community by phone to successively spread a message in the group.
In his essay Alexander distinguishes to structural principles, the rigid “tree” and the “semilattice”, that allows for intersections between elements. He argues that people tend to reduce complex issues conceptually on trees, that it’s even impossible to think in the “semilattice”. He is concerned about the dangers of this conceptual reduction he also sees in architecture and design projects.
Documentary photography from Russia in early 20th century. Three separate black and white layers enable color images. They exhibit how our perception or imagination of the past is shaped by black and white photography.
“Wenn es aber Wirklichkeitssinn gibt, und niemand wird bezweifeln, daß er seine Daseinsberechtigung hat, dann muß es auch etwas geben, das man Möglichkeitssinn nennen kann. Wer ihn besitzt, sagt beispielsweise nicht: Hier ist dies oder das geschehen, wird geschehen, muß geschehen; sondern er erfindet: Hier könnte, sollte oder müßte geschehn; und wenn man ihm von irgend etwas erklärt, daß es so sei, wie es sei, dann denkt er: Nun, es könnte wahrscheinlich auch anders sein. So ließe sich der Möglichkeitssinn geradezu als die Fähigkeit definieren, alles, was ebensogut sein könnte, zu denken und das, was ist, nicht wichtiger zu nehmen als das, was nicht ist.”
Aus “Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften”, 1952
Project about the library of the Rietveld University, working with some own orders.
Systematization of the design of national flags generates a multiplicity of speculative national identities.
“die Tiere, die sich wie folgt gruppieren:
a) Tiere, die dem Kaiser gehören,
b) einbalsamierte Tiere,
c) gezähmte,
d) Milchschweine,
e) Sirenen,
f) Fabeltiere,
g) herrenlose Hunde,
h) in diese Gruppierung gehörige,
i) die sich wie Tolle gebärden,
k) die mit einem ganz feinen Pinsel aus Kamelhaar gezeichnet sind,
l) und so weiter,
m) die den Wasserkrug zerbrochen haben,
n) die von weitem wie Fliegen aussehen”
Aus “Die analytische Sprache des John Wilkins”, 1966
Zitiert im Vorwort zu Foucaults “Die Ordnung der Dinge”, 1974
“Something about how maps can reveal everyday practices of power.” Some examples of critical projections and mapping techniques.
Various works incorporating aesthetics of measurement, scientific instruments etc.
Illustrations to “A Thousand Plateaus” by Deleuze/Guattari. As “means of understanding of the ideas presented in the book”.
Photography project. Constructs ironic categorizations of people by their fashion styles.
Uses elements of maps and geographical images as material for recontextualisations and alternative visual sorting.
Collection of heterogenous, subjective Stories about errors. Uses a dysfunctional order leading to repetition/redundancy.
Found books assembled to new books.
Tool for drawing with tagged video content to create a dynamic networked image.
The installation tries to simulate and visualize the process of memory by algorithmically combining visual material from newsfeeds.
Opulent drawings in visual rhetoric of diagrams. Exhausting examination of diagrams and the display of complexities, expression of personal experiences. She talks about it as philosophic-cognitive and at the same time bodily-intensive activity but not mainly aesthetic. Website with a lot of works and good texts.
Documentary photo series, each consisting of a narrative text, a diagrammatic layout of the photographs and additional visual artifacts, creating a very graphical and contemplative appearance.
“OSP (Open Source Publishing) is a graphic design collective that uses only Free, Libre and Open Source Software. Closely affiliated with the Brussels based foundation for art and media Constant, OSP aims to test the possibilities and realities of doing design, illustration, cartography and typography using a range of F/LOSS tools.
Since 2006, we investigate the potential of F/LOSS in a professional design environment. We do not expect to find (or offer!) the same experience as the ones we are used to. In fact, we are interested in experimenting with everything that shows up in the cracks.”
Strong usage of generative techniques and self made tools in graphic design projects. Co-responsible for Scriptographer.
“Es wird gespielt, getrickst und getan — und zwar mit allerhand Werkzeug. Wann wird aus einem Gestalter ein Ingenieur der nur auf Grund seiner Apparaturen, Erfindungen und Kniffe ein Versprechen auf Individualität abgeben kann? Ist die Herstellung einer Maschine, einer definierten Herangehensweise der konzeptionelle Befreiungsschlag gegen eine glattgedachte Allgemeingestaltung? Oder ist sie bloss ein Kunstgriff um sich aus der Verantwortung zu stehlen? Sind Gestalter moderne Alchimisten? Wie kritisch auch immer man sich diesem Thema nähern mag, unbestritten bleibt, dass diese Toys, Tricks und Tools eine Faszination ausstrahlen die weit über die simple Stilsicherheitsfrage hinausreichen.”
Develop tools for non-linear text production, information search and new forms of knowledge organization. They experiment with interface concepts and ways of associating information to enable new forms of dealing with knowledge, often especially personal knowledge systems.
Online version of the book:
Visual essays as methods for enquiring topics. Categorization of visual material as an aesthetic approach to an issue, interfaces of design and ethnography?
Algorithmically extracted and combined elements of architectural photographs creates new images/interpretations of spaces.
(Not online anymore)