Marc Buchy
“Inspired by different technics (dating back from XVIth century until our contemporary “survivalists”) the three gloves of Palm Dial transform the hand of the user in tools to measure the passing of time, creating a direct link between the position of the body and the course of the sun.”
“0&I is a computer software, freely downloadable and installable by the user-viewer on his computer.
This software creates a discreet but permanent modification on the way the computer works. The software changes the blinkrate of the cursor in any program in which the user can type data (Micro- soft Word, for exemple). The rate is slowed down to the same number an adult body breathes per minute.
The cursor is considered as one of the precise entry point between sensible and virtual, between reality and data. By slowing down a digital rhythm and adapting it to a natural rhythm the artist questions the closest and closest relation between « natural » and « digital » occuring nowadays.”