Keyword: Cognition 2


Substitute Phones / Klemens Schillinger

“The shape of the Substitute Phone replicates an average smartphone, however, its functions are reduced to the movements we make hundreds of times on a daily basis. The stone beads which are incorporated in the body let you scroll, zoom and swipe. there are no digital functions. Thee object, which some of us describe as a prosthesis, is reduced to nothing but the motions. This calming limitation offers help for smartphone addicts to cope with withdrawal symptoms. The object as a therapeutic approach.”

Prototype theory / Labov Experiment

Labov investigated the borders of words and concepts and the working of categorization in everyday communication. In a study drawings of “containers” with different formal characteristics where shown to participants. They had to assign them with either “cup”, “bowl” or “vase”. The decision gradually changed when they where asked to imagine the object filled with flowers or mashed potatoes for example. The categorization seems to be context dependent and fuzzy. Prototype theory in general states that we imagine categories of things around a strong member or representative of the category. It often refers to Wittgenstein’s concept of “Familienähnlichkeit” (family likeness).