Keyword: Data 30


Richard Ibghy & Marilou Lemmens

Artist duo, working a lot with diagrams, chart-like installations and visualisations on economic, social, labour issues.

GRADATIONs / Daihei Shibata

“When we gradate the boundaries between two polarized things, the two become smoothly connected. By blurring the various boundaries, we can find complexity, diversity, and richness of information.”

Stream / Leander Herzog

Social rhythm patterns

End-User Programming

Some links to notes and approaches on end-user programming, or the idea of software as programming environments fundamentally composable by users.

Paul Chiusano: The future of software

Mesh Tiler / Roman Karavia

Get a 3D mesh of any place in the world using MapTiler.


“Grafoscopio is a moldable tool for interactive documentation and data visualization, that is being used in citizen, garage & open science, reproducible research, (h)ac(k)tivism, open & community innovation, domain specific visualization and data journalism …”

Resolution Studies / Rosa Menkman

Rosa Menkman’s disorienting and overwhelming study of “resolution”.

“…resolution studies does not only involve the study of the effects of technological progress or the aesthetization of the scales of resolution. Resolution studies also involves a research on alternative settings that could have been in place, but are not – and the technologies which are, as a result, rendered outside of the discourse of computation.”

Time Based Text / Jaromil, Jodi

“A software application that records performance time of written text and vehicles it as additional information: it saves and reproduces every single action during the composition of a text, so that an additional dimension of emphasis in written communication can be circulated.” (example)

Other Orders / Sam Lavigne

“Other Orders is a tool for sorting text and tweets.

Recommendation engines like the ones powering the endless feeds on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, are designed to maximize ad revenue, and therefore to keep you online for as long as possible. In doing so they promote the most reactionary content on their platforms. Yet, these recommendation systems are nothing more than sorting mechanisms.

Other Orders provides an alternate set of sorts, optimized for other outcomes.”

Peer-to-Peer Folder Poetry

“Taking a closer look at the common practice of computer organization using folders and files and taking a page out of Italo Calvino’s book, Invisible Cities, we will explore folder structures as a new kind of poetic form and DAT as a way to build digital spaces with and for our networks.”

“Everyone who interacts with computers has, in very real ways already been programming. The distinction between programmer and user is maintained by a tech industry that benefits from a population rendered computationally passive. Together we can build up and cultivate one another’s agency to shape technology and online spaces that support and care for each other and our communities.” / Matthew Rayfield

Most recent STL files uploaded to GitHub nicely listed and displayed.

PANE: Programming with visible data / Joshua Horowitz

“PANE is a live, functional programming environment built around data-visibility. In PANE, all intermediate values are visible by default, and you construct a program by acting on these concrete values.”

LAUREN / Lauren McCarthy

“I attempt to become a human version of Amazon Alexa, a smart home intelligence for people in their own homes. The performance lasts several days. It begins with an installation of a series of custom designed networked smart devices (including cameras, microphones, switches, door locks, faucets, and other electronic devices). I then remotely watch over the person 24/7 and control all aspects of their home. I aim to be better than an AI because I can understand them as a person and anticipate their needs. The relationship that emerges falls in the ambiguous space between human-machine and human-human.”

More projects

Declassifier – Humans of AI / Philipp Schmitt

“Declassifier processes pictures using the YOLO computer vision algorithm. Instead of showing the program’s prediction, the picture is overlayed with images from COCO, the training dataset from which the algorithm learned in the first place.”

Open Data Cam / moovel Lab

“‘Open Data Cam’ is a tool that helps to quantify the world. With computer vision ‘Open Data Cam’ understands and quantifies what it sees. The simple DIY setup allows everybody to become an urban data miner.”

Anatomy of an AI System / Kate Crawford, Vladan Joler

The Amazon Echo as an anatomical map of human labor, data and planetary resources.

The Dark Age of Connectionism: Captivity / Wesley Goatley

Installation of an Amazon’s Alexa asked by Apple’s Siri about its politics.

every thing every time / Naho Matsuda

“A meditation on the data that passes through the fabric of the city each day, every thing every time questions not only the role data has in our lives, but the use and value it has as it is collected. Can we see the urban landscape differently through the technologies that make sense of it?

“every thing every time is a piece of real-time digital writing, which is drawing from the many ‘things’ and ‘events’ and changes of ‘status’ that are constantly happening in Manchester,” says artist Naho Matsuda. “In every thing every time I have turned these data streams into narratives formatted as poems, that are stripped from their location information and any data transmitting purpose. Smart information becomes impractical poetry.”

Hardly Everything

“The prominent apps and sites often share a common element today; the feed. It looks like Facebook’s timeline, or Buzzfeed’s homepage—an endlessly updating stream of content, designed to keep you returning, and spending more time.

You frequently hear of us feeling burnt out by this “drinking from a firehose.” Of course, these products know that, and are increasingly implementing steps to filter what you see and what you don’t based in part on what keeps you returning—a perpetually shifting mix, resulting in what has become known as the filter bubble, FOMO, and other things.

Hardly Everything attempts to circumnavigate these corporate feeds by supplying you with an anti-feed.”

Suggestive Drawing / Nono Martínez Alonso

CCamera / Marco Land

“With 657 billion digital images per year being captured and pushed to the web, it is likely that at some point in your life you’ve taken a photo that already exists. And you will continue to do so with the help of this app.

CCamera is the first camera app that takes images that have already been uploaded to the internet. It brings your photos to the next level — because they’re not yours.”

Esoteric Codes / Daniel Temkin


esolangs, disruptive codes, weird hc/i, differential thought platforms, the digital ephemeral, null programs and deletions, unstable linguistics, structure as content, machine disobedience, new relationships between programmers and their primary progeny (bugs), useless machines (Shannon/Minksy), synthetic languages, circuitous systems, constraint sets for coders, paraconsistent calculi, and other platforms, systems, and languages that break from the norms of computing”

“ is a collaborative, community activity with a mission to create, maintain, and promote schemas for structured data on the Internet, on web pages, in email messages, and beyond.”

Some Digital Humanities projects (ongoing list)

The Preservation of Favoured Traces / Ben Fry
The Homer Multitext

Intro to Digital Humanities / Reader by Johanna Drucker

Forensics Wiki

Wiki on digital forensics (also known as computer forensics).

Milestones in the History of Thematic Cartography, Statistical Graphics, and Data Visualization

Other people also bought / Sebastian Schmieg, Jonas Lund

BackStory / Floria Kräutli

Interactive tool/piece that visualizes editing processes on text archives (Wikipedia articles in this case).


“New image file formats for artistic purpose.”

Selective Memory Theatre / Matthias Dörfelt

The installation tries to simulate and visualize the process of memory by algorithmically combining visual material from newsfeeds.