Keyword: Order 40


Other Orders / Sam Lavigne

“Other Orders is a tool for sorting text and tweets.

Recommendation engines like the ones powering the endless feeds on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, are designed to maximize ad revenue, and therefore to keep you online for as long as possible. In doing so they promote the most reactionary content on their platforms. Yet, these recommendation systems are nothing more than sorting mechanisms.

Other Orders provides an alternate set of sorts, optimized for other outcomes.”

Peer-to-Peer Folder Poetry

“Taking a closer look at the common practice of computer organization using folders and files and taking a page out of Italo Calvino’s book, Invisible Cities, we will explore folder structures as a new kind of poetic form and DAT as a way to build digital spaces with and for our networks.”

“Everyone who interacts with computers has, in very real ways already been programming. The distinction between programmer and user is maintained by a tech industry that benefits from a population rendered computationally passive. Together we can build up and cultivate one another’s agency to shape technology and online spaces that support and care for each other and our communities.”

Careful Crates / stock-a-studio

“Shipping/returns as a cultural and physical contemporary phenomena. referencing richard artschwager’s ‘crates’, these careful crates serve as material resistance to a standardized bounding box economy that organizes, binds, shelters and delimits contents in anticipation of global circulation.”

Boxed In: The Aesthetics of Material Circulation

Sonder E-Ink Keyboard

Keyboard with e-ink keys for customizable contextual key layouts.

Below the Surface – The Archaeological Finds of the North / Southline

A collection of more than 11,000 objects (of 700,000 total) found during excavations in the dried river bed of the Amstel. Photographed and sorted by date of origin (going back until 124,000 BC).

BÆBEL / Gregor Weichbrodt

“Single pages from IKEA furniture-assembly instructions were mixed together and renumbered. The result is an instructions manual of about 700 pages.”

And other of his projects:

Iller / Benjamin Maus & Prokop Bartonicek

“It is an apparatus, that sorts pebbles from a specific river by their geologic age.”

Early Office Museum

Library of Babel / Jonathan Basile

“If completed, it would contain every possible combination of 1,312,000 characters, including lower case letters, space, comma, and period. Thus, it would contain every book that ever has been written, and every book that ever could be – including every play, every song, every scientific paper, every legal decision, every constitution, every piece of scripture, and so on. At present it contains all possible pages of 3200 characters, about 104677 books.”

Also, the principle applied to image data:

Jenny Odell

And other projects related to mapping, ordering, tracking, systems, observation.

Medieval Books / Erik Kwakkel

Nice blog about medieval book culture and reading practices. Especially interesting for example a post about bookmarking techniques.

FOLD / Alexis Hope, Kevin Hu

Contextual news and storytelling platform.

Things Tamed / TheGreenEyl

“Things that contain other things. Things on three legs. Things we don’t know anything about. Things with teeth.”

Moving Objects / Pe Lang

Poetic kinetic objects of order and disorder.


“Commonplace Books” – organised notebooks – as technology of “Personal Knowledge Management” since 15th century. How can diverse fragments of knowledge be recorded and organised in a way to reliably recover them and at the same time stimulate creative recombinations?

Ignacio Uriarte

Uses materials and visual language out of the context of the office (printer, paper, pens, excel) for reduced works, playing with order, repetition, patience.

9/11 Memorial Name Layout

The names of the victims of the terror attack on the memorial site are ordered with the help of custom software by their relationships (family, friends, colleagues together). Relatives could influence the final layout. The arrangement should reconstruct the “social net” of the victims.

Hanne Darboven

Deals with temporal orders, calendars and subjective counting systems in her graphical works.

Bookstore of Loose Associations / Bureau of Loose Associations

Michael Johansson

Big Data

“The Petabyte Age is different because more is different. Kilobytes were stored on floppy disks. Megabytes were stored on hard disks. Terabytes were stored in disk arrays. Petabytes are stored in the cloud. As we moved along that progression, we went from the folder analogy to the file cabinet analogy to the library analogy to — well, at petabytes we ran out of organizational analogies.

This is a world where massive amounts of data and applied mathematics replace every other tool that might be brought to bear. Out with every theory of human behavior, from linguistics to sociology. Forget taxonomy, ontology, and psychology. Who knows why people do what they do? The point is they do it, and we can track and measure it with unprecedented fidelity. With enough data, the numbers speak for themselves.”

“The End of Theory”, Chris Anderson in WIRED (+ weitere Kurzartikel zum Thema)

Mark Lombardi

Memoseum / Nikolaus Gansterer

“Das Memoseum ist eine dynamische Sammlung des Erinnerns und des Vergessens, im ständigen Prozess der Erweiterung.”

Shannon Rankin

Maps as material for deconstruction and recombination.

Gerhard Dirmoser

Theoretical occupation with diagrams, forms of order, forms of thinking and transformation in own diagrams.

“Formfragen als Ordnugsfragen” (PDF)

Blow Up / Rafael Lozano-Hemmer

Blow-up is a high resolution interactive display that is designed to fragment a surveillance camera view into 2400 virtual cameras that zoom into the exhibition space in fluid and autonomous motion. Inspired by Antonioni, the piece is intended as a an exercise to underline the construction of presence through a simulated, live compound eye.
See also other projects:

Sitterwerk / Astrom/Zimmer

Workshop and symposium about alternative structures of order, especially in the context of the unique library in Sitterwerk. The books there are always located by RFID technology. Users have the freedom to create associative orders in the bookshelves while at the same time every item is digitally trackable. How can hidden relations made visible and other interactions with the material be enabled.

The Free Universal Construction Kit / FatLab

“A matrix of nearly 80 adapter bricks that enable complete interoperability between ten popular children’s construction toys. By allowing any piece to join to any other, the Kit encourages totally new forms of intercourse between otherwise closed systems—enabling radically hybrid constructive play, the creation of previously impossible designs.”

Erick Beltran

Uses diagrams to map subjective and “non-expert” forms of knowledge.

Composite Photography / Francis Galton

Multiplied photographs used as a method to constitute “deviant” social groups in the 19th century. Francis Galton for example tried to construct visual evidence of universal physiognomic characteristics of jewish or criminally accused people to argue for his problematic theory of inheritance. Visual methods are exploited to construct and affirm a social order.

A–Z / A=A / Lina Grumm

“A-Z/ A=A (s. Identität) kreist um Bilder als Denkfiguren, die Theorien transportieren und Begriffsfelder konstruieren. 136 Bildtafeln versammeln Motive verschiedenartiger Herkunft zu Konstellationen, die auf Momente von Wiederholung, Assoziation, Vergleich, Repräsentation und Referenz bauen und die die Wandelbarkeit der Lesart eines einzelnen Bildes in Abhängigkeit von seinem jeweiligen Kontext demonstrieren. Gegliedert wird das Buch durch 180 Begriffe, die am Kopf jeder Seite stehen und die auf separaten alphabetisch geordneten Seiten erläutert werden. Die Begriffe werden nicht allgemeingültig definiert – vielmehr wird der Versuch unternommen, die Begriffe durch die Kombination einzelner möglicher Bedeutungsaspekte neu zu konzipieren.”

Uta Eisenreich

“My work investigates problems related to order. In a reality that is constantly leaking over the borders of comprehension, the attempt to establish an order has to result in a struggle, that is both hilarious and tragic.
Most works evolve around game structures. A game accommodates regulative order alongside euphoric disarray.”

The city is not a tree / Christopher Alexander

In his essay Alexander distinguishes to structural principles, the rigid “tree” and the “semilattice”, that allows for intersections between elements. He argues that people tend to reduce complex issues conceptually on trees, that it’s even impossible to think in the “semilattice”. He is concerned about the dangers of this conceptual reduction he also sees in architecture and design projects.

Part 1, Part 2

Poetry Machine / David Link

Möglichkeitssinn / Robert Musil

“Wenn es aber Wirklichkeitssinn gibt, und niemand wird bezweifeln, daß er seine Daseinsberechtigung hat, dann muß es auch etwas geben, das man Möglichkeitssinn nennen kann. Wer ihn besitzt, sagt beispielsweise nicht: Hier ist dies oder das geschehen, wird geschehen, muß geschehen; sondern er erfindet: Hier könnte, sollte oder müßte geschehn; und wenn man ihm von irgend etwas erklärt, daß es so sei, wie es sei, dann denkt er: Nun, es könnte wahrscheinlich auch anders sein. So ließe sich der Möglichkeitssinn geradezu als die Fähigkeit definieren, alles, was ebensogut sein könnte, zu denken und das, was ist, nicht wichtiger zu nehmen als das, was nicht ist.”

Aus “Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften”, 1952

Out of Order / Marianne Viero

Project about the library of the Rietveld University, working with some own orders.

“eine gewisse chinesische Enzyklopädie” / Jorge Luis Borges

“die Tiere, die sich wie folgt gruppieren:
a) Tiere, die dem Kaiser gehören,
b) einbalsamierte Tiere,
c) gezähmte,
d) Milchschweine,
e) Sirenen,
f) Fabeltiere,
g) herrenlose Hunde,
h) in diese Gruppierung gehörige,
i) die sich wie Tolle gebärden,
k) die mit einem ganz feinen Pinsel aus Kamelhaar gezeichnet sind,
l) und so weiter,
m) die den Wasserkrug zerbrochen haben,
n) die von weitem wie Fliegen aussehen”

Aus “Die analytische Sprache des John Wilkins”, 1966
Zitiert im Vorwort zu Foucaults “Die Ordnung der Dinge”, 1974

Valentin Beinroth

Various works incorporating aesthetics of measurement, scientific instruments etc.

Mark Dionünstler/mark-dion/

Hottest to Coldest