Eno / Gary Hustwit
“The groundbreaking generative documentary about visionary musician and artist Brian Eno, a film that’s different every time it’s shown.”
Custom player for screenings designed by Teenage Engineering.
“The groundbreaking generative documentary about visionary musician and artist Brian Eno, a film that’s different every time it’s shown.”
Custom player for screenings designed by Teenage Engineering.
“Each of the components of The Serendipity Engine will highlight problems observed by digital theorists, designers and technologists with the way the Web currently works – linguistic barriers, echo chambers – by proposing one vision of how the technology can be re-tooled to increase serendipitous encounters.”
“[…] the aim is to render visible other factors that could produce more inclusive digital technologies that better-represent being human in code.”
“[…] render visible the labour of knowledge making.”