Keyword: Software 30


Creative Crowds

CC (creative crowds) is a server for publishing experiments that emerge around Varia Rotterdam. Tools and workflows for collective publishing experiments.

Octomode (collective editing space for PDF making, based on Etherpad)

Malleable Systems Collective

Catalog with resources, projects, papers on malleable software, e.g. user-tailorable systems, end-user programming and similar principles.

Kawara (now CycleMarks) / Jon-Kyle

Subscribe to web content like newsletters, social media profiles, single websites and set individual intervals in which you want to be reminded of them.

What codec should I use?

End-User Programming

Some links to notes and approaches on end-user programming, or the idea of software as programming environments fundamentally composable by users.

Paul Chiusano: The future of software


“Grafoscopio is a moldable tool for interactive documentation and data visualization, that is being used in citizen, garage & open science, reproducible research, (h)ac(k)tivism, open & community innovation, domain specific visualization and data journalism …”

Resolution Studies / Rosa Menkman

Rosa Menkman’s disorienting and overwhelming study of “resolution”.

“…resolution studies does not only involve the study of the effects of technological progress or the aesthetization of the scales of resolution. Resolution studies also involves a research on alternative settings that could have been in place, but are not – and the technologies which are, as a result, rendered outside of the discourse of computation.”


“‘OpenDataCam’ is a tool that helps to quantify the world. … With computer vision OpenDataCam understands and quantifies moving objects. The simple setup allows everybody to become an urban data miner.”

Technology Supercuts

Let’s Enhance / Duncan Robson
Apocryphal enhancement technologies in crime dramas.

No Signal (and other cellular drama) / Rich Juzwiak
Bad cellular reception as plot-device in horror-movies.

The Clock (excerpts) / Christian Marclay
24 hours of movie scenes with and about time in chronological order.

Reach, Grasp, Move, Position, Apply Force / Kajsa Dahlberg
The optimization of movements in labour and the role of film.

Software by Akira Rabelais

Argeïphontes Lyre
A sound editing software with ideosyncratic interface principles that breaks with paradigms of remediation, real-life metaphors and ease-of-use.
Mac App Store
Article about the interface by Lasse Prang (in German)

Argeïphontes Recalcitrance
“… the art of file names. A rather fine collection of file names and file name filters implemented most tastefully.”

Modal / Theodor Hillmann

“»Modal« is a tool to annotate complex structures of texts. It facilitates advanced means for classifying, structuring and sorting text fragments. It enables easy collecting of contents that are linked back to their original source.”

The Dark Age of Connectionism: Captivity / Wesley Goatley

Installation of an Amazon’s Alexa asked by Apple’s Siri about its politics.

Chalktalk / Ken Perlin

“Chalktalk is a digital presentation and communication language in development. Using a blackboard-like interface, it allows a presenter to create and interact with animated digital sketches in order to demonstrate ideas and concepts in the context of a live presentation or conversation.”

Haptic Interface: Physical / Software Expression and Illusion / Robert M. Ochshorn

Prototype of combined sensor and actuator to simulate different physical behaviours by software. (Video) (Video, above)

Pure CSS Francine / Diana Smith

Pure CSS illustrations and discussions of their rendering differences in various browser versions.

Dries Depoorter / projects

Die With Me
“The chat app you can only use when you have less than 5% battery.”

non views
“non views is a Chrome extension that replaces the amount of views on a YouTube into the amount of people that didn’t watch the video in the world.”

Realtime gradient of two pixel colors from the sky of two webcams on the opposite side of the earth.

Suggestive Drawing / Nono Martínez Alonso

Esoteric Codes / Daniel Temkin


esolangs, disruptive codes, weird hc/i, differential thought platforms, the digital ephemeral, null programs and deletions, unstable linguistics, structure as content, machine disobedience, new relationships between programmers and their primary progeny (bugs), useless machines (Shannon/Minksy), synthetic languages, circuitous systems, constraint sets for coders, paraconsistent calculi, and other platforms, systems, and languages that break from the norms of computing”

Jennifer in Photoshop / Constant Dullaart

Photoshop filters applied to the „first“ photoshopped image („Jennifer in Paradise“).

Promiscuous Pipelines / Constant

“In computation, a ’pipe’ is a method to enable various software modules to connect to each other, where the output of one program is treated as the input for the next program. ’Pipes’ form the basis of The Unix philosophy, a perspective on software production where multiple task-oriented tools can be chained together to make seemingly endless software combinations possible. While interchangeable and flexible, the assumption that each element should be optimised to ’Do One Thing and Do It Well’ leads to a rather predictable and ultimately normative set. If each tool is designed to be used in any context by anyone at any time, what about situated knowledge? How can we imagine modularity, knowing that software processes are inherently leaky and contextual?”

New Interfaces for Textual Expression / Allison Parrish

“New Interfaces for Textual Expression is a series of devices intended to create and manipulate text. Analogous to contemporary work in the field of New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME), New Interfaces for Textual Expression are intuitive but not literal: they map gestures not to characters (as with conventional writing devices, such as the keyboard and the pen), but to broader manipulations of language and layout. The devices suggest new syntaxes for composing, reading, and performing text.”


The Readers Project

“The Readers Project is a collection of distributed, performative, quasi-autonomous poetic ‘readers’ — active, procedural entities with distinct reading behaviors and strategies. […] Each reader follows traces of linguistic and poetic structure — symbolic idealities — that define their specific focus of attention. Since the their behaviors are derived from a necessarily partial, aesthetically implicated analysis of human reading, they explore and reveal certain contours and outlines of linguistic materiality’s ‘other dimensions’, in work that we propose to be significant, affective, and literary.”

Jupyter Notebook

“The Jupyter Notebook is a web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations and explanatory text.”

CanonCat (1987) / Jef Raskin


A computer system with text-based interface and some ideosyncratic tweaks developed by Raskin aimed at high efficiency and convenience. He elaborates on his approach in his “Humane Interface” book. Most notably the LEAP function, a way to quickly navigate around documents, that also introduced the dedicated LEAP buttons on the CanonCat’s keyboard.

CanonCat demo video
Promo video for the LEAP technology

Hamlet / Doug 50

Group project to develop a new software system based on Doug Engelbart’s ideas for the 50th anniversary of the demo of 1968.


“Soylent is a crowd-powered interface: one that embeds workers from Mechanical Turk into Microsoft Word.”

transCoder / Zach Blas

“Queer Programming Anti-Language”


Early spreadsheet software, to be considered the first “killer app” for Personal Computing and the first application that convinced people to invest in whole systems (the Apple II). First software that went through a whole software career cycle, until its decline fueled by competitor “Lotus 1-2-3”. Also notable for its good documentation at that time.

Bravo & Gypsy