Keyword: Sound 6


Website With the Sound of Its Own Making / Emma Rae Norton

(After “Box with the Sound of Its Own Making” by Robert Morris, 1961)

Emma Rae Norton

Popup Trombone / Matthew Rayfield

Software by Akira Rabelais

Argeïphontes Lyre
A sound editing software with ideosyncratic interface principles that breaks with paradigms of remediation, real-life metaphors and ease-of-use.
Mac App Store
Article about the interface by Lasse Prang (in German)

Argeïphontes Recalcitrance
“… the art of file names. A rather fine collection of file names and file name filters implemented most tastefully.”

The Dark Age of Connectionism: Captivity / Wesley Goatley

Installation of an Amazon’s Alexa asked by Apple’s Siri about its politics.

MIDI drawings / Mari Lesteberg

“Inspired by Andrew Huang and his MIDI unicorn, I make midi compositions that forms a picture. It’s called a MIDI drawing, and it’s entirely stupid, but incredibly fun to make.”

Telephony / Thomson & Craighead

“Telephony allows gallery visitors to dial into a wall based grid of 42 Siemens mobile telephones, which in turn begin to call each other and create a piece of ‘music.'”

See also other projects of the artists.