Keyword: Category 7


Trademark Design Codes / Beautiful Public Data

“The United States Patent and Trademark Office has a system of 1,400 descriptive “design codes” allowing you to search for trademarks. Explore random pairs of design codes, or search for specific pairs or codes.”

“ is a collaborative, community activity with a mission to create, maintain, and promote schemas for structured data on the Internet, on web pages, in email messages, and beyond.”

Negative Capability, that is when man is capable of being in uncertainties. Mysteries, doubts, without any irritable reaching after fact and reason. / John Keats

…das Fremdeste paarend und das Nächste trennend…

Friedrich Nietzsche

Prototype theory / Labov Experiment

Labov investigated the borders of words and concepts and the working of categorization in everyday communication. In a study drawings of “containers” with different formal characteristics where shown to participants. They had to assign them with either “cup”, “bowl” or “vase”. The decision gradually changed when they where asked to imagine the object filled with flowers or mashed potatoes for example. The categorization seems to be context dependent and fuzzy. Prototype theory in general states that we imagine categories of things around a strong member or representative of the category. It often refers to Wittgenstein’s concept of “Familienähnlichkeit” (family likeness).

“eine gewisse chinesische Enzyklopädie” / Jorge Luis Borges

“die Tiere, die sich wie folgt gruppieren:
a) Tiere, die dem Kaiser gehören,
b) einbalsamierte Tiere,
c) gezähmte,
d) Milchschweine,
e) Sirenen,
f) Fabeltiere,
g) herrenlose Hunde,
h) in diese Gruppierung gehörige,
i) die sich wie Tolle gebärden,
k) die mit einem ganz feinen Pinsel aus Kamelhaar gezeichnet sind,
l) und so weiter,
m) die den Wasserkrug zerbrochen haben,
n) die von weitem wie Fliegen aussehen”

Aus “Die analytische Sprache des John Wilkins”, 1966
Zitiert im Vorwort zu Foucaults “Die Ordnung der Dinge”, 1974

Exactitudes / Ari Versluis, Ellie Uyttenbroek

Photography project. Constructs ironic categorizations of people by their fashion styles.