Keyword: Digital 61


Complicating the Computer Mouse

Emma Rae Norton’s research on the computer mouse.

Website With the Sound of Its Own Making / Emma Rae Norton

(After “Box with the Sound of Its Own Making” by Robert Morris, 1961)

Emma Rae Norton

Kawara (now CycleMarks) / Jon-Kyle

Subscribe to web content like newsletters, social media profiles, single websites and set individual intervals in which you want to be reminded of them.

24 Times / Gysin-Vanetti

“A collection of twentyfour variations on the theme ‘clock’. […] Each of these twentyfour clocks shows time in a different form. The result is a sequence of numbers, letters or punctuation marks animated in different ways.”

MT Everest Scrollbar / Yehwan Song

And other website and interface projects:

Instructions to give rise to marching ants around objects / Abelardo Gil-Fournier

“It is an operation on the screen, a play on the surface where materiality is not brought as a question of materials, but in terms instead of material relations.”

End-User Programming

Some links to notes and approaches on end-user programming, or the idea of software as programming environments fundamentally composable by users.

Paul Chiusano: The future of software

Mesh Tiler / Roman Karavia

Get a 3D mesh of any place in the world using MapTiler.

Drawing Curved / Pierre Huyghebaert, Colm O’Neill, Femke Snelting

Great compact treatment of “curves” in design, especially in digital drawing tools. With some hints of qualities in certain physical curve tools, notes on the contingency of Bezier curves as a standard in digital design and some pointers to alternative approaches.

Resolution Studies / Rosa Menkman

Rosa Menkman’s disorienting and overwhelming study of “resolution”.

“…resolution studies does not only involve the study of the effects of technological progress or the aesthetization of the scales of resolution. Resolution studies also involves a research on alternative settings that could have been in place, but are not – and the technologies which are, as a result, rendered outside of the discourse of computation.”

Declassifier – Humans of AI / Philipp Schmitt

“Declassifier processes pictures using the YOLO computer vision algorithm. Instead of showing the program’s prediction, the picture is overlayed with images from COCO, the training dataset from which the algorithm learned in the first place.”

Software by Akira Rabelais

Argeïphontes Lyre
A sound editing software with ideosyncratic interface principles that breaks with paradigms of remediation, real-life metaphors and ease-of-use.
Mac App Store
Article about the interface by Lasse Prang (in German)

Argeïphontes Recalcitrance
“… the art of file names. A rather fine collection of file names and file name filters implemented most tastefully.”

img_0001.jpg; Intimacy of the Uneventful / Yotam Hadar

“Anthropological Taxonomy in first photographs taken with a new digital camera.”

Chalktalk / Ken Perlin

“Chalktalk is a digital presentation and communication language in development. Using a blackboard-like interface, it allows a presenter to create and interact with animated digital sketches in order to demonstrate ideas and concepts in the context of a live presentation or conversation.”

Haptic Interface: Physical / Software Expression and Illusion / Robert M. Ochshorn

Prototype of combined sensor and actuator to simulate different physical behaviours by software. (Video) (Video, above)

Pure CSS Francine / Diana Smith

Pure CSS illustrations and discussions of their rendering differences in various browser versions.

Jon Satrom

Windows Rainbows and Dinos—/windows-rainbows-dinos/


And other projects.

Reptition and Difference / Minkyoung Kim

“A screen record piece based on a repeating action of opening and closing two jpeg files that each show the word ‘Repetition’ and ‘Difference’ one at a time. The new recording is then played back with the old recording, and this process is repeated. As these turns of repetition grow, the result is an erasure of the initial action and the dominance of changes.”

CCamera / Marco Land

“With 657 billion digital images per year being captured and pushed to the web, it is likely that at some point in your life you’ve taken a photo that already exists. And you will continue to do so with the help of this app.

CCamera is the first camera app that takes images that have already been uploaded to the internet. It brings your photos to the next level — because they’re not yours.”

TransFeed / Sylvain Jule

“TransFeed investigates the agregation, confrontation and archival of online documents.

TransFeed implies that if knowledge is information put into movement, manipulated, it is necessary to find places that allow this manipulation. Its purpose is to initiate a reflection on the forms that would suit this tool, and to question the levels of relation between texts.”

Esoteric Codes / Daniel Temkin


esolangs, disruptive codes, weird hc/i, differential thought platforms, the digital ephemeral, null programs and deletions, unstable linguistics, structure as content, machine disobedience, new relationships between programmers and their primary progeny (bugs), useless machines (Shannon/Minksy), synthetic languages, circuitous systems, constraint sets for coders, paraconsistent calculi, and other platforms, systems, and languages that break from the norms of computing”

Meridian (Netflix)

4K HDR codec test film by Netflix.
Variety article

Promiscuous Pipelines / Constant

“In computation, a ’pipe’ is a method to enable various software modules to connect to each other, where the output of one program is treated as the input for the next program. ’Pipes’ form the basis of The Unix philosophy, a perspective on software production where multiple task-oriented tools can be chained together to make seemingly endless software combinations possible. While interchangeable and flexible, the assumption that each element should be optimised to ’Do One Thing and Do It Well’ leads to a rather predictable and ultimately normative set. If each tool is designed to be used in any context by anyone at any time, what about situated knowledge? How can we imagine modularity, knowing that software processes are inherently leaky and contextual?”

The Screenless Office / Brendan Howell, Mikhail Pogorzhelskiy

“The Screenless Office is a system for working with media and networks without using a pixel-based display. It is an artistic operating system.”

The Readers Project

“The Readers Project is a collection of distributed, performative, quasi-autonomous poetic ‘readers’ — active, procedural entities with distinct reading behaviors and strategies. […] Each reader follows traces of linguistic and poetic structure — symbolic idealities — that define their specific focus of attention. Since the their behaviors are derived from a necessarily partial, aesthetically implicated analysis of human reading, they explore and reveal certain contours and outlines of linguistic materiality’s ‘other dimensions’, in work that we propose to be significant, affective, and literary.”

Objectifier / Bjørn Karmann

“Objectifier empowers people to train objects in their daily environment to respond to their unique behaviors. It gives an experience of training an artificial intelligence; a shift from a passive consumer to an active, playful director of domestic technology.”

Grind the Gap / Plaatsmaken

Refresh / Leanne Wijnsma

“Wijnsma started scanning her 22m x 22m garden in the woods of Drenthe, in the north-east of the Netherlands. ↺ [refresh] is a continuously updated 1:1 garden preservation for the screen.”

Critical Atlas of Internet / Louise Drulhe

“The aim of the “Critical Atlas of Internet” is to use spatial analysis as a key to understanding social, political and economic issues on Internet.”

The website also has an adaptive print layout to scale from booklet to poster in any size.

Delirious Home / ECAL

“… a series of objects presenting a playful interpretation take on the concept of the smart home.”

Some Digital Humanities projects (ongoing list)

The Preservation of Favoured Traces / Ben Fry
The Homer Multitext

Intro to Digital Humanities / Reader by Johanna Drucker

Square vs. variably shaped pixels / Russell Kirsch
Russell Kirsch talks about the variable shaped pixel

Forensics Wiki

Wiki on digital forensics (also known as computer forensics).

Lost Formats / Experimental Jetset

Real-time Expression Transfer for Facial Reenactment


Of Instruments and Archetypes / Unfold

“Through this project, measuring becomes something without numbers, but with accurate precision; measuring becomes making.”

Lazy Pen / NAHO

“This tool allows the user to distort the typeface as they write, using the moving palettes placed beneath their palms. The goal is to be able to produce one’s own typography in real time, thus offering a more personal approach.”

Pens as “natural” input

Fidelity and minimal latency as the thresholds for analogueness of digital media?

Satelliten / Quadrature

Visualization of real-time satellite movement patterns on paper maps.

BackStory / Floria Kräutli

Interactive tool/piece that visualizes editing processes on text archives (Wikipedia articles in this case).

Jenny Odell

And other projects related to mapping, ordering, tracking, systems, observation.


“The objective of allRGB is simple: To create images with one pixel for every RGB color (16777216); not one color missing, and not one color twice.”

ROLI Seaboard

Digital instrument with a unique and potentially very intuitive analogue interface.

Glassified Ruler / MIT Media Lab

Digitally augmented physical tool.

Telephony / Thomson & Craighead

“Telephony allows gallery visitors to dial into a wall based grid of 42 Siemens mobile telephones, which in turn begin to call each other and create a piece of ‘music.'”

See also other projects of the artists.

Future Tools Blog

Free journal for culture and theory.

interface / Ralf Baecker

“… camera and monitor function as a mirror that links the images of the viewers. […] The software, which runs between camera and monitor, attempts to re-construct each face from image fragments of the other. The image of one face cannot be realised without the other and vice versa.

See also other works about materiality, aesthetics and potential of digital technologies:


“New image file formats for artistic purpose.”

Moving Pixel Portraits / Oliver Laric

Superstitious Fund Project / Shing Tat Chung

A trading algorithm based on superstition (moon phases, numerology). An objectively subjective apparatus.

Big Data

“The Petabyte Age is different because more is different. Kilobytes were stored on floppy disks. Megabytes were stored on hard disks. Terabytes were stored in disk arrays. Petabytes are stored in the cloud. As we moved along that progression, we went from the folder analogy to the file cabinet analogy to the library analogy to — well, at petabytes we ran out of organizational analogies.

This is a world where massive amounts of data and applied mathematics replace every other tool that might be brought to bear. Out with every theory of human behavior, from linguistics to sociology. Forget taxonomy, ontology, and psychology. Who knows why people do what they do? The point is they do it, and we can track and measure it with unprecedented fidelity. With enough data, the numbers speak for themselves.”

“The End of Theory”, Chris Anderson in WIRED (+ weitere Kurzartikel zum Thema)


Research project about the possible role of networked images in the sciences. A system to assamble, categorise, annotate and link images wants to explore new forms of working with images in other scientific contexts than in art history. Some examples on the website.

Descriptive Camera / Matt Richardson

The camera produces no image but a textual description of the motive, written by some strange user of Mechanical Turk web service.

Serendipity Engine / Enquiry Machine

“Each of the components of The Serendipity Engine will highlight problems observed by digital theorists, designers and technologists with the way the Web currently works – linguistic barriers, echo chambers – by proposing one vision of how the technology can be re-tooled to increase serendipitous encounters.”
“[…] the aim is to render visible other factors that could produce more inclusive digital technologies that better-represent being human in code.”
“[…] render visible the labour of knowledge making.”

Blow Up / Rafael Lozano-Hemmer

Blow-up is a high resolution interactive display that is designed to fragment a surveillance camera view into 2400 virtual cameras that zoom into the exhibition space in fluid and autonomous motion. Inspired by Antonioni, the piece is intended as a an exercise to underline the construction of presence through a simulated, live compound eye.
See also other projects:

Communion / Field

Digitally augmented room filled with algorithmically evolving graphical “life forms”. Interesting arrangement and atmosphere.

Videorative Portrait / Sergio Albaic

Tool for drawing with tagged video content to create a dynamic networked image.

Selective Memory Theatre / Matthias Dörfelt

The installation tries to simulate and visualize the process of memory by algorithmically combining visual material from newsfeeds.

extracts of local distance / FELD

Algorithmically extracted and combined elements of architectural photographs creates new images/interpretations of spaces.

Objects for Arithmomaniacs / Julijonas Urbonas

(Not online anymore)